Moon Conspiracies

“We’re gonna make them happy. Roy Moore runs an underground sex ring of completely legal Alabama 16-year-olds out of a Tuscaloosa Sbarros.” —Orrin Hatch

Over 1/5th of an F-22 down the drain, wasted helping Americans live.

Yes each crater holds ancient spirits and the full moon lets them exert their full power upon the unsuspecting Earth. What do you think tides are? No one really knows for sure, but I have the sneaking suspicion that there are dark forces at work.

I’m glad companies are focusing on the new breakthrough technology that is video. Not many people know this, but video can go on the internet. Already we are seeing the video in popular web pages like Fusplinivision and CNN News where it is huge hit probably and not an annoying waste of time at all.

This is not a hot take. Try again when the moon is full.

My favorite thing to do is reading right-wing idiot blogs moaning about The Free Market when their shitty sites may be the ones that are hurt the most by corporate money-grabs.

he was baffled by congress’ inability to act, considering CHIP’s popularity.

“Everyone in our family has the initials CMS

This year instead of a turkey my family is cooking and eating a dog, covered in dog gravy. A nice fat dog we’ve been plumping up to eat.


Um excuse me, but are you aware of the socio-economic impacts of eating meat? Beyond the obvious moral issues of devouring another living being, factory farms create an unsafe and unhygienic environment fostering the growth of superbacteria and others, such as e. coli and salmonella. A more attractive alternative is a

Finally! As a living god, I am immune to all sickness, so I’m being forced to pay money to the government against all basic logic and reason. They should have an option where you can contribute more to the military instead, so that our tax dollars aren’t wasted.

I am actually woke af and you are 100% right. I think it is tricky to separate the harmful patriarchal parts of all mainstream religion without denigrating an entire faith or devolving into bigotry. Unless you don’t care about other people’s emotions, then it’s not tricky at all! Mwahahaha

I thought this was a safe sex ad, where the candy is a penis, the wrapper is a condom, and the flies are dick flies. Don’t open yourself up to dick flies.

“We don’t care if our leaders prey on girls, as long as they vote to force them to through labor against their will.” —Good White Christians

We should nominate an actual Black Muslim™

Lol sorry I live in the real world where words mean things. I’m not going to let some sinner activist judge tell me what’s there isn’t and means this when it doesn’t. 

This is insane. Not in The Constitution = Unconstitutional. Guns? They’re right there in The Constitution. Freedom to force my religion on others? Look at that. It’s there in The Constitution.