Moon Conspiracies

Fuck, I got grayed? It was fun while it lasted

stage 4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Ahhhhh everything about this is so exceedingly British. Harry’s mid-30s ginger baldspot, that lady’s teeth, a guy with an owl?!?! God bless the queen.

Send $100 to @kinja_ransom or I ungray all of the nazis

Those good tweets almost make up for his dumb face. Get a smarter face

Actual LARPers need to start showing up to these things. Lightening bolt!

That headline image is probably the stupidest thing I have ever seen. God dammit

“We’re fine with this; we fuckin’ looooove pussy. So did Jesus. All hail ancient standards of consent!” —Evangelicals

I wanna see rated R recreations of Disney movies, with Shan Yu like crushing skulls and that little dragon immolating Mongols and Mulan just decapitating everybody.

Eventually, to minimize their quickly cementing reputation as Nazi enablers, the GOP will impeach and hello President Pence. Let us welcome White Jesus into our hearts and genitals. Hallylewya.

Ha ha ha make your kids shovel snow when its 0 degrees out to teach them to be grateful for enough heat to live. I have 8 fingers but am very polite.

In all fairness, the Dutch boy on crutches had it coming. Get better legs, loser. Sad.

This isn’t a PC download, is it? Do I have to wait days after making my purchase to play? At least I can get my stick-whittling and horse-shoeing in while I wait for the world to progress.

This isn’t a PC download, is it? Do I have to wait days after making my purchase to play? At least I can get my

I come here to make jokes and make people angry as is my birthright

Ha ha ha how do you expect us to be able to continue covert wars on behalf of the corporate shadow government that runs the world if we reveal the locations of our shock troopers? That’s not how this works.

How do you think the rabbit feels? No magic!

Like “nothing matters because during the rapture a resurrected Jesus will kill all Muslims and abortionists” magic. Like “trans people will turn cis if we torture them enough” magic.

Not all ideological echo chambers are the same!

Yes this place would be so much better if we had more writers and commenters that hated black people and believed in magic. Both sides!