Moon Conspiracies

Sure, the NRA can buy a propaganda channel but I get questioned for my “Murder the rich” t-shirt. It’s a metaphor for murdering the rich, idiots.

Ahahah John Oliver took it on

Yeah the timeline might be off and some of Isha’s articles are best taken with grains of salt, but I agree with the general premise I think.

(with Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, and Saturday Night Live not touching the story at all)

I have poured one out for your (newly?) gray status. I poured it directly into my mouth but you get the idea

I figure it’s basically Lord Of The Flies with more gold-plated shit

? Are you sure? I’ve been led to believe that Military Jesus descends from Conservative Heaven and smites teams who do not pay deference to the state.

finally it is time

- Nazi hat


One time, I landed a critical that set my sword, along with all the dry grass surrounding me, on fire. Orcs ran in every direction, screaming, and before long, I was on fire, too.

They were probably made mentally ill by being cold and dark all the time, not really their fault and definitely not indicative of institutional problems. We really need to strengthen mental health services and buy some cameras. This could happen to anyone, you know? I think we should be thankful that we live in a your balls have problems with erosion?

Somewhere, Donald Trump just became scared and aroused at the same time, a feeling he is not altogether unfamiliar with.

I don’t really care about the rights, I just want rich people to name things after me because I’m pretty funny and a great guy all around, much like David Geffen. He’s so cool.

I’ve never seen more bipartisan support for the idea than right this moment.

Uhhhh what if bump stocks are the only thing that is stopping Barack Obama’s Shadow Government from taking over the nation by force? Did you ever think of that? Freedom 9/11

So, diazepam turns you into a Republican? Heyoooo

Lol all I’m saying is that we need to pay attention to the negative margins when adjusting capital in order to comply with the Nate Yodel Dictum. We can’t just raise rates without lowering overhead and accounting for variance in the outcome/income/piss bucket ratio.