
I’m curious to see what will happen as we enter the fall TV season, as in, how many big shows will not be covered.

The format of Kinja makes it extremely hard to have any sort of discussion.

I miss the AV Club.

I strongly suspect this will be a very quiet comment section because ... well... this feature’s about dead by now.

The whole thing was a rumor made up by Gawker, a trashy tabloid sued into extinction because of the garbage posted on it, and was treated as gospel by bloggers.

She’s been with the AV Club forever, and her articles always contained a shred of outrage, but ever since the kinjapocalypse she’s turned the outrage up to eleven.

Wasn’t this established... years ago? Like, almost immediately after the story became a thing? To the point where every time it comes up here or Jezebel it seemed like the authors were purposely ignoring Kirkman’s clarification just to bait a reaction?

I hate to say this, but I’m pretty much done here. The switchover just ruined too much, and my only continued presence would be out of a sense of obligation. Y’all can find me on the AV Club After Dark.

I just don’t fucking care anymore. I’ve been reading this site for over 10 years, and I’ve been commenting for around 7 or 8 years.

Kinja discourages commentator to commentator commenting and thus destroys a commentator community.

By far, my favorite thing about the Kinja crossover is how a significant portion of the top comments are from racist trolls and the general discourse of the site has shifted to general assholery. That’s just the best.


The thoroughly depressing final scene of Barry Levinson’s Avalon, the dreary Thanksgiving dinner with the family silently eating while watching TV, bookending the first Thanksgiving dinner scene that was full of boisterous, lively conversation. A melancholy look about how change can suck the life out of a once

“It sucks and its not fun...”

The KinjAVclub

Also, dude, don’t pull that “it’s just a website, chill” stuff. A lot of folks have been around and commenting and reading the AVCLUB for over a decade and when they take a step backwards in functionality and readability, it’s fucking sad to see. You’re right that websites

One would think that keeping a positive account for many years at this establishment would be sufficient to keep one’s missives from being held in the clerk’s offices before publication. But nay, ‘’tis not enough for the barbarian overlords of this once fine establishment.

How about hating change, when its disastrous and destroys a community you loved? Is change a wonderful thing when say, your dad dies? I appreciate the efforts made to coax us all into this new Kinja.Gawker reality. Telling us to be patient and hush and won’t be so bad. Not the fault of the valiant AV staff. Just,

What an utterly wretched publication this once illustrious news-paper has become! I am quite of the mind that the entire lot of your are liars and charlatans.

Yeah, stop copying me y’all.

There are clowns on many sides.