
And if there is a frog in there, don’t listen to him. You’ll only end up in tears and misery. And a tiny top hat and cane too.

Oh, I have to find the cookbook I have from the 50s. The very first section, the forward, talks about the new magic powder, MSG. And I’m sure deet at the time was a wonderful fragrance to have around your garden too.

************* MASSIVE SPOILERS _ YOU’VE BEEN WARNED! *******
****** (why are you reading this post if you know we’re going to talk about the movie anyway... ******

So yeah, I saw it on a dare from friends. It was not as horrible as I thought it could be, was it because I set the bar pretty damn low? I dunno. But if they had just changed a few things, I could see it better. The neck bombs are pretty much a macguffin so the leat you need to analyze it the better. Just say that you

If they are broken up, I guess that means a new album from her is due.

Jeebus! All the reviews are by people who got this for free. Uhm, no thanks.

Jeebus! All the reviews are by people who got this for free. Uhm, no thanks.

I thought he dropped Hamilton because of the others, uhm, oral skills backstage at the Oscars.

You must be young, I mean really young. DC had movies in the 1970s and 80s. Oh and in TV too.

Okay, now they’re just issuing a challenge. Accepted, my good man!

I knew a girl who could take the chrome off of a trailer hitch. Does that count?

I think I can explain fencing (A two person competition using one of three different types of swords) with the help of these three gifs.

Saber, the heaviest mofo of the three. Hack and slash, baby!

I slap my W-2 down on the desk and say, “15% more and 8-10% bonus structure, plus an option for a 0.8 to 2.5% cost of living year over year increase. Otherwise my butt’s not moving from my current position.

25 years ago, an amazing fellow college student said we should go out on a date. I said, we can always hang out at the bar, let’s go see a movie instead. It was so bad (Dustin and Robin both battling for the worst in acting) that she and I tried to make out during the movie instead of watching it, and eventually left

In May, Ayer’s more somber version and a lighter, studio-favored version were tested with audiences in Northern California.

What a sad, overused troupe being used! Geez, might as well call it,

If Seinfeld had written it:

Once again...BuyDig does not have a good reputation when it comes to selling TVs. So buy if you must with caution.

Once again...BuyDig does not have a good reputation when it comes to selling TVs. So buy if you must with caution.

one better...K-Mart is matching the price. Also, Newegg is selling the refurb for $20 less.

one better...K-Mart is matching the price. Also, Newegg is selling the refurb for $20 less.

Funny, I think the what I inputted was better than the results (much like all talk radio):

Actually, it is in their best interest to keep it open and to remove as much XP and Win7 (Ha! They cannot touch my Win2K build!) from the world as possible. Plus all that data they’re collecting from our PCs not to mention the Advertising revenue from the selling tile space and now the Windows Store sales that they