That’s nice. But lemme give you something more appropriate of New Orleans.
That’s nice. But lemme give you something more appropriate of New Orleans.
It’s okay, I don’t blame you for your choices; you aren’t a purist at heart. Believe me when I say you’ll look back on those choices a few years from now and think wow, what was I thinking? And then you’ll relive all those other poor choices as well, too.
Oops, more the 50% off (my math sucks) and there are some others on sale too. $250 is way too expensive to pay for these chairs. Amazon usually has them cheaper but this Newegg deal is the best so far. Deal ends tomorrow.
Oops, more the 50% off (my math sucks) and there are some others on sale too. $250 is way too expensive to pay for…
NOPE. 50% off that price for the black version of the Homall competitor at Newegg.
NOPE. 50% off that price for the black version of the Homall competitor at Newegg.
Aaaaaaaand, that’s why I stopped PUBG and just moved over to Fortnite, just in time for their 1st birthday celebrations.
He’s playing David Duke (yeah, that David Duke) in the Spike Lee movie, BlackKklansman.
#1. Comment on all the articles you’ve read today.
#2. See #1.
haha. Did he even read the box description of the trump mask? “Combover President.”
You know, when they talk about how hard it is and that they have to put up with Internet viewing and commenting on what they post, I say okay, so?
I don’t want to sound heartless but give me an effen break. It’s one of the worst societal windows we have ever constructed and we do so willingly. And it goes both ways…
Well, the original series just last lasted three seasons...
<sigh> Must I pull out the Strunk & White’s Elements of Fight Documentation again?
Maybe if you smiled more, or wore something pretty...
Ma’am, that other person’s what’s app location is in your house.
Wait. Now we are getting targeted previews based upon the movie we are about to watch? I guess it makes sense that something similar to the LikeMinds engine I helped develop would be deployed (if you bought this, then we recommend products x, y, z).
Still though, I was uncomfortable to see the previews. And yes, it…
My thought is how in the hell does a non-campus person get to use the facility? Actually you could shut down the event by saying that during the state of emergency, only faculty, staff and students are permitted on campus. And of course pray that none of these actually attend.
Yes. Went to a movie in the theater last night, first since 2016. The previews were torture porn (yet another ‘Saw’ movie, why?) and end of the world, destruction porn (Geostorm, and to a point, the Pacific Rim follow-on). So while Weinstein (Harvey) is out, there are a bunch of similar schmoes waiting in the wings to…
And this happens in little towns, too. A person filed a complaint a couple of years back in Cary, NC, where the person complained that he viewed a couple having sex in their house. He could tell for sure because he walked up to the window. Yeah, that happened.