
Don’t hate it, but I have several issues with it:

Hmmm...”dutch oven” and a picture of a man’s underwear (butt).

Hmmm...”dutch oven” and a picture of a man’s underwear (butt).

Ever since I became a parent, I’ve spent absolutely zero time on dicking around with environment and just pointed the screensaver to all the baby pictures I’ve been uploading to the PC.

You see? When you call someone who felt they’ve been cheated, lied to, and then told to shut up and just “lie back and take it” speaks to your ignorance of their pain and now their pain is being vocalized and you have one of two roads take: 1) be an asshole and keep telling them they’re acting like children (which

It’s an okay sale. Not like the steals of, uhm, Urban Outfitters stealing the ideas from indie artists though.

It’s an okay sale. Not like the steals of, uhm, Urban Outfitters stealing the ideas from indie artists though.

Okay, I understand. Gak, parents are sometimes the worst. And speaking of worst, don’t let anyone convince you Overboard is worth watching. They’re just being mean.

That is, until the power company decides you’re using too much power or that your house is too cool and then remotes into the Nest to change it for you.

That is, until the power company decides you’re using too much power or that your house is too cool and then remotes

I get it; his life sucks less than ours. Now please let me have my aimless web clicking so that I don’t contemplate shooting myself at my miserable job.

Bwahahahahaha! Those punks in Williamsburg don’t even know a Riesling from a Moscato. They’re just making shit up and labeling it “farm to table” with, of course, a 500% mark-up.

Wait? WTF? You’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China?

Actually Chicago wanted to host the games. It seems that ignoring the US and the windy city was a planned move by the IOC. Now they have only themselves to blame.

I thought Mee-thang cometh from pig shit.

Actually, I think the Great Debate of 2016 will go down as which characterization sucked worse, Leto’s Joker or Eisenberg’s Luthor.

Well, we all know Luke Cage is a cape chaser and Danny Rand likes there’s that.

Newest discovery (translated):

They’d probably leave...

Great. Now I’ll have to content with even more idiots trying to write their Great American Novel on the iPhone while trying to drive.

Well, then I guess we can start shipping our nuclear waste to them then. What could possibly go wrong?

“Swingers” vs “Renters”

And what’s to stop them from building a railgun and firing rocks at us? Hmmmm, we don’t have a wall that big do we?