
The thing about butter is that you want it cold, not frozen and not room temperature either. The coldness allows the flour and mechanical leaveners to come together as little units, well crumbs. If the butter warms up, the fatty acids break down and turn the mixture into an oily mess (think really sticky goop). Also

Liars! We all know the path to tender crumbs must include sour cream.

Hey, actually gonna vote this year?

The Battle of the Bastards: Lemme guess, WCW cage match?

Even though I know this will appeal to the pervs out there, but might I suggest men and women try out the course wearing the current garb used by the comic book superheroes? Spiderman, yeah, the only problem maybe would be his eyesight in that mask. And then have a woman try it out using Starfire’s or Zantana’s

Bitch, please. I won my election by being badass, not an ass.

you need to close gaps in the image link (https://i.kinja...)
I had to add the spaces otherwise the picture posts instead of the link.

Just to make sure it hits all the search engines, may I suggest this? (Please improve where necessary.)

Oh jeez, I thought, “they’re asking me to plug a dongle into my ODB. Eeeeewww, he’s been dead now for over a decade. Leave him alone!”

Oh jeez, I thought, “they’re asking me to plug a dongle into my ODB. Eeeeewww, he’s been dead now for over a decade.

On a side note, has anyone noticed that 8 of 10 Gizmodo articles are actually Kinja deals?

SPOILERS FOR NEXT WEEK (Watching the preview)


I think that’s overthinking it a bit, but it is a wonderful theory. I think it is something easier like she lives and gets chased some more, like the previews show. Jaqen and the Waif aren’t the only two faceless in town, yes?


“[Sic] Make sure she doesn’t suffer.” Gut stabbing is not suffering? “The jealous girl who serves her master” sure has a difference of opinion.

Mine was a box of petit fours (surprise gift for my wife from her home town bakery) that was ripped open and dropped at the edge of the yard.

Okay, so if you are Mr Moneybags then sure, go ahead and OLED.

Okay, so if you are Mr Moneybags then sure, go ahead and OLED.

As we all know, LED does wonders for your soul.

As we all know, LED does wonders for your soul.

Yeah, you are right. It is not an OLED. My point is that you get near the same for 25% of the price.

Yeah, you are right. It is not an OLED. My point is that you get near the same for 25% of the price.


Just a note: not wireless. Connects to the computer via USB.

Just a note: not wireless. Connects to the computer via USB.