a random bystander

According to the full story, they had only been aboard for 6 hours before he killed her. That makes me think he had every intention of killing her and dumping her body in the ocean. Why he would do it in front of their children or anyone else I can’t fathom, but it seems a little too convenient that mere hours after

Literally a Margaret Atwood quote come to life.

I just learned something, cause when I think 1960s body paint, this is the mental image I get:

You know, when Trump first proposed his Muslim ban all those years (oh god, no, it’s only been MONTHS) ago, I was calling my reps (David Joyce in the House and Portman in the Senate - I didn’t feel the need to call the two Democrats) and one of the things I said was that if they let him run roughshod over them, he’d

I mean, I totally want to be Peggy Carter, but that’s just because she’s an amazing badass. That’s ok, right?

It’s 1000% normal to love and be really into and excited about movies and shows and stuff. Fandoms can be a wonderful thing when they’re populated mostly by sane and supportive people. Shit gets creepy when people lose touch with reality and basic self awareness or their passion for whatever disrupts their lives,

Many U.S and Canadian eating establishments have a promotion on Tuesdays regarding tacos.

From what he’s saying, he’s had to structure his whole life, even his relationships, around avoiding invasive stalkers who follow his every move. He did his job well and moved on (like the most of the rest of the world) but he still has to look over his shoulder, for who knows how long. Maybe forever? That sucks.

It’s more likely that Trump still has this weird obsession with Obama and is undoing anything Obama did because Black guy made joke at his expense years ago.

The thing is that PETA is not “ forced “ to do it. They put down perfectly healthy and adoptable animals because they believe no one should own animals, domestic pets or otherwise.

This headline confused me for a second... Like: a whale who kills babies has died?

PETA was really looking forwards to murdering those orcas. They had t-shirts made.

PETA had called for her and her mother, Takara, to be sent to a sanctuary

The director, Taika Waititi, knows how to make a fun movie. Which is a giant lolfukyu to Thor: The Dark World. :D

You’ve must have been one of R. Kelly’s “babies.”

There was a frog Thor. I’m pretty sure “woman Thor” is not a ridiculous prospect.  

A 10 year off/on/off/on relationship may have died its final death over the casting of this character. I am remarkably unbothered by that fact.

I think if Sansa were a true weakness he wouldn’t have pimped her out to a Kibbles and Bits.

I think it’s hard because people do value thinness. I was hospitalized with an eating disorder 20 years ago and people still told me how great I looked. I stopped getting my period and had hair growing all over me, I couldn’t sit in a chair without pain, but people still told me they were jealous about how I had the

Yeah, when I was starving myself everyone said you look great! because I was overweight. Only one person asked if I was eating enough, of course I lied to him, but he cared enough to ask, and that meant a lot.