a random bystander

It is still not clear to the family how Malachi got his hands on the dangerous weapon. Stephens said that he got the gun from a friend who got it from someone else. Investigators are looking into finding out who originally had the gun and passed it to the friend, the news station notes.

This just dawned on me. Jared Kushner looks like Orin from Parks and Rec.

As an Asian person I would like to say how frustrating it can be to tell people, yes we experience racism. And they’ll be like well you guys are so smart! And you’ll be fine.

Except that this happened because of a chemical attack that LITERALLY HAPPENED LIKE 24 HOURS AFTER TRUMP’S SECRETARY OF STATE BASICALLY SAID THAT HE WAS COOL WITH ASAAD. l i t e r a l l y. This is, in large part, Tillerson’s fault. Because he sucks.

Also never forget; Hillary was unsavoury because she was a warhawk who was going to drag the US into a bunch of military conflicts all over the world..................................

It shouldn’t have to be said, but I will say it anyway: If you voted for Trump because you “just didn’t like Hillary,” I will never fucking forgive you.

While I appreciate your concern, I make good English.

Oh my god no. I still remember that winter/spring with horror. Even now, when I rewatch a show that aired that season I see how few episodes it has and am thrust back in time when literally the only news story I gave a shit about was whether or not that strike was over. Just give the writers what they want, please.

Make fun of me if you want, I love this kind man and his music. I’m glad he finally gets to enjoy being himself. Go Barry! Go Barry!

Look, just because I’m being silent doesn’t mean I’m being silent. It just means I’m being. Silently.

Please don’t denigrate weasels by comparing them to the Trumps.

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

Fine outfit, questionable human being with a history of domestic violence.

Legally, you’re only allowed to brandish a weapon against law enforcement if they’re coming to confiscate your guns.

Its amazing how regular citizens will become complicit in government terror isn’t it?

I believe his daughter if she says her father didn’t own a gun.

Under what circumstances could they have thought going into a house with legal residents of the US was ICE business? Are people starting to report their neighbors because they are foreign born and then they don’t bother to look up the documentation at the office?

This is exactly why we have separate accounts. We put a percentage into a joint account for agreed upon expenses (mortgage, insurance, internet...) and everything else is our own to do with as we please. As long as both people are responsible enough to not rack up debt that could affect the other one it totally works.

Yes, yes, yes!!! Life in the Dreamhouse is hilarious. my 7 yr old chose it from Netflix and I was sucked in. The A.I. closet that becomes sentient and locks them in is hysterical. Yes, I just used the words A.I and sentient to describe a Barbie cartoon.