a random bystander

I see potential, she’s a women, she’s republican, she spoke out against Trump knowing that it could backfire, refused to take her words back when they asked her to, that said I really need don’t want any of their dangerous ideas permeating the left.... Yeah we’re not complete dicks but we’re not doormats either. The

You’re right. Trump is going to win in 2020, so long as we continue to demand 100% purity from every Democratic politician.

The Art of the Deely

No lie, that sounds like Donald Trump tweeting from Deeley’s account.

YES!!! I miss that in so many of today’s pop artists, the infectious sense of enjoying what they are doing.


I loved this movie. I was 12 and hadn’t been exposed to anything like Selena while living in my white bread suburbs.

The inability of privileged majorities to distinguish between their own hurt feelings and actual oppression will be the death of this country.

Oh sure, NOW the republicans believe in science

We must all refuse. It’s that simple, people. We must refuse to take the tests and refuse to pay the fines. And it has to be all of us. We must all refuse.

This asshole just sent out the first big salvo necessary for ethnic cleansing and eugenics: Congressperson from Iowa, y’all.

I am an old person, and this is a “dickey.” My schoolteacher aunt had them in all colors because she always wore jackets to work, and would not show an inch of chest skin, but frequently had hot flashes so she could not wear a full shirt.

I know. They have overplayed their hand with Mr. Khan. He is a ivy league educated citizen of 30 years and a Gold Star member. His federal case will be a huge FUCK YOU to TrumPutin and President Bannon. It is shows a abuse of power ( and we all know it does), it can open more boxes.

I hope every current and former member of the US military is made aware of this incredible show of disrespect to a Gold Star family by a man who claims “nobody loves the military more than me.*”

Gold Star father Khizr Khan, a vocal Trump critic, was reportedly told that his traveling privileges are “under review.” [Politico]

The categories from left to right are: “German-blooded”, then you have two types of “mixed race” categories - 1st grade and 2nd grade - and two categories that say “Jew.” The smaller one on the bottom is a “special case of 1st grade mixed race.” I think these are only about Jews. The “Nürnberger Rassegesetze” were a

Your must be this Aryan to ride.

I remember when SXSW was a mistake you made about a Hitchcock movie title.

“that’s just us telling them what could happen” isn’t exactly reassuring, and in fact has a hostile feel to it.

I remember going to SXSW when it was a direction.