But I have all this maple syrup and hot peppers!!1!
People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.
Hell just got a whole lot classier.
This is less “eyebrow thread” and more errant Silly String cumshot.
Generally, the legal standard is the ability, in the moment of the act, to determine whether what you were doing was right or wrong. Based on the evidence here, she almost certainly had that capacity, though obviously the defense will attempt to show otherwise. But with text messages in the record, she’s left a trail…
Who was the person receiving that message? I have to think that if I, even as a dumb teenager, received a message from a friend about how she was encouraging her boyfriend to kill himself, I would be pretty disturbed.
She demonstrated knowledge that what she was doing was wrong, would cause his family to hate her and for the police to come after her. Even in the presence of serious psychological issues which I would argue are not evident here, this ability to discern right from wrong prevents her from using the insanity defense.
“Professional father” could become a new job. He becomes the father on paper in exchange for some money.
It’s never about the children, it always seems to be so centered on punishing the mother and the “life, what a beautiful choice” children. Then the stressed and exploited woman and marginally homed, undereducated, undernourished children can be held up as proof of poor moral compasses or whatever bs buzzwords they…
Your comment reminded me of this. For years, my parents used the birth certificate they received from the hospital as my form of identification. Then 9/11 happened and they were finally told they weren’t using my real certificate. They had to send in the mail to receive the real one.
To be fair, in 90210 he still looked old enough to play Archie’s dad.
Oh, I used to fight with my siblings about stuff like that all the time. Who suicided in whose room and all.
Ummm, guys, it’s not a contest.
A female guest would be ridiculed if she came on a show dressed that way, so the comparison is moot.
omg i hate when 15 year old girls with talents do things to help further their careers and then when they get successful and therefore can negotiate more power over their brand and artistry, try a new direction with their music after like 10 years. fuckin bitches.
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