a random bystander

Botox and fillers that haven’t settled? Weight gain? Post-oral-surgery puffiness? Xenu’s vengeance? Xenu’s love?

I think that actually makes him more attractive to me. I mean, I love seeing a super ripped guy but in terms of fantasizing over what kind of body type I’d actually want to be with this is much more it.

Here are the goods...

wait where are pictures and video??? and when is it on??? I NEEED MOREEEE INNFFFOOOOOOOO and HARDY GIFS

Yeah fad dances are a thing and have been for a long time. Not sure why this one in particular seems to be getting everyone’s disdain and vitriol flowing (I mean I have an idea buttt.....)

Ah yes, shall we just return to the mashed potato and twist to satisfy your generational needs?

Ugh, what a dicksmack. Glad you’re rid of him.

I'd buy that bumper sticker.

Holy fuck...but you know, having guns is the most important thing...

Will this never cease to be the truth??

I’m in favour of abolishing the draft entirely.

Because 15-year-olds shouldn’t have 12 million dollars.

His witch hunter movie last summer was apparently him and a friend making a movie about his D&D character. Yeah. Rly.

In a corrollary, those people who grandly declare they “can’t even” most certainly can, and will continue to.

Lucille I will always get my stars.

Are there enough scifi movies out each year for that to be an official category? I mean I personally would be in favor of it, but there are some years where it seems like there just isn’t any good scifi out. Then again - most of the recent blockbusters could be counted - Hunger Games, Jurassic World, Star Wars, etc.

life tip- if someone publicly declares they hate drama it means they actually love it.

I don’t think the book is problematic. I think it is a very smart book written about problematic characters who live in a problematic culture- but I don’t think the book itself is problematic. I think it is sometimes misread, but I think more generally what has happened is that most people think they remember the book