
@Striderhayasa - "The PS3 logo at startup is stupid. If the person turning on the ps3 doesn't know that it's a ps3 they're about to use, then that person qualifies as the idiot of the year. It's redundant and totally unnecessary."

Lets give every soldier a 42" plasma with Call of Duty 4, a racing simulator, and Tom Clancy's HAWX. I swear if i was in the army when we invaded Afghanistan, the war would've been over in less than a year. I would be running into those Taliban strongholds and BEASTING on them like crazy!!!. Flash bang, grenade, then

Wow the money SONY spends to hire PS3 nerds to tell us things we don't want to hear could have been used more efficiently, like a FUCKIN PRICE CUT! I'm sure if they lowered it $100 max, it would sell faster than the Wii on Christmas.

yeah, but the difference is, when you buy any game for the ps3, it is GUARANTEED that game with work on the ps3. With the PC, even with the standards, you would still have to shop around for a pc that would play your games, assuming the sticker is even true about the games it can play.For PC standards to work, every

hey anyone have a good way to save money on sneakers. An average pair of jordans for me is 120-150. I'd like to save some money to buy other stuff like games and such..

@ManekiNeko: lol this is one of the reasons...

@robio376: hey robio could u send me an invite. Im a good torrenter and i hear so much good things about demomoid.

@MaxS: this just means that we'll have to upgrade our internet infrastrucutre, and fortunately for us, this will actuallly give companies a reason to lay fiber.

@excaliburps: what do u mean? These hardware companies are still going to have a lot of buisness as OnLive needs hardware for their servers to play Crysis just like we do. This service is basically moving the computer power from us, to them. This service is soo fucking sexy if i get into the beta i dont know wut i'll

The only two situations where this will not works, is if for some reason OnLive's servers go down, as all servers do for maintenance, or you are somewhere where you dont have a 2mbps connection.

lol i'll just give it to Stewie and Brian from Family Guy. They'll break it like they broke Peter's record in "I Dream of Jesus"

From the looks of every pic i've seen from him, Ballmer is to Microsoft as Bush is to the U.S

@sagetyrtle: Please dont tell me ur "partner" is the same sex as you...

Wut else can i tell u but VOTE FOR OBAMA!!!

@superbryant: Yea and i bet ur 20% closer 2 gettin cancer or sum other disease.

Vote: WinRAR.

@Xynth: What the hell if wrong with you???