a man from florida

This is a guess, but I assume that snake head is the horn. It’s in the right place - similar to where a horn bell was located in earlier automobiles. And there seems to be a tube leading from it, into the front seat.

I don’t understand why anyone wouldn’t just charge their PHEV all the time. I keep mine topped off whenever possible, as my MPG is so, so much better that way.

Am I the only one getting auto-forwarded to the Root as the first “related” article pixel that pops up at the bottom of the article or the end of the comments. 

There are not “two clowns” running. One is a well-intentioned old guy. The other is a narcissistic, evil, fascist, traitorous, old-guy. Know the difference. 

That giant digital dash is an abomination.

When “it’s different” is the only redeeming quality of something, I can still hate it pretty easily. If you do the same thing with the blacked-out Silverado HD, ignore the people who drive them like a sedan and never for their abilities, the Silverado is and ugly, but useful vehicle. If you actually need to regularly

I’m flabbergasted by how many I’ve seen in the last few weeks. Long Island NY. I guess the buyers are the same type that had Ed hardy everything H2Hummers.

There’s only been one good looking Supra, the styling of the MkV has effectively nothing to do with whether it’s a real Supra or not.

Tesla just needs a general recall.... and not be allowed back out on the road again afterwards.

I don’t know of a single bell that ticks.

And still people try and claim unions are not needed. 

That’s weird, are there any national mandates for forcing people to buy EVs or did he make that up just to scare people?

That’s not a mandate for electric cars. It’s a mandate for zero emissions cars. Doesn’t say how they have to get to zero.

dont call me stupid

You idiot.  

Oh, so it’s like how Operation Warp Speed was amazing and beautiful when Trump did it, but then when he lost the 2020 election the vaccines became bad?

But Biden kept the tariffs so they’re bad now. When Trump wins and also opts to keep the tariffs they’ll go back to being good. Please try to keep up. 

Governments have to set goalposts for industry, or else nothing will change. Those posts can change position over time, but everyone needs a target. Think about smog reduction targets in the 80's. Have you recently driven behind a 70's era car? You can smell it half a mile behind. Imagine if every car on the road was

I love that you’re so stupid you’re literally out here advocating that the powers that be increase the prices of vehicles just because the TV told you they’re bad. 

Oops! You thought you were making your comment over at FOX “News” but you had the wrong tab open, right?