
Boy do I miss the old AV Club - before the tile-based redesign. Now /that/ was a good site.

Ha ha, looks like this might be the first comment forever now. Seems appropriate enough!

[Dougie Jones voice] Helloooo-ooo?

Eh, it's most likely better in your imagination. I only remember there being a lot of sitcomy gender stereotype jokes. "Turn left in 100 feet. Let's watch sports. I will not talk about my feelings."

I didn't realize Godwin's Law also applied to reality as a whole…

I helped project a showing of Armageddon in college, with a couple hundred people in the audience, and we accidentally skipped from reel 4 to 6 and no one noticed or cared.

In theatres - Quiet Days in Clichy (1970). It's hard to properly convey how annoying, repulsive, pretentious, boring, and pretty much irredeemable this film was. And yet I sat through the whole thing, cause I was like "leaving is exactly what this film /wants/ me to do!" And it's not even good in a shock cinema,

Ha, Thor 2 - has A Dark World finally been officially erased from the canon? I'd be totally fine with that!

I hate ending on a sour note, so I'll add that a lot of the liberal malaise and recriminations will probably dissipate once we get some specific things to fight against. Right now so much is either still pending or up in the air it's hard to know where to direct energies and how to coordinate.

Ohhh the horrors of asking for everyone to be treated with respect and consideration. How dare those uppity liberals think people deserve equal rights and status.

Before the election, when I tried to imagine the row of presidential portraits, making the step from Obama to Trump immediately made my brain recoil in shock and horror and disgust.

Yay I finally got a normal-ish amount of sleep! Things might be horrible, but at least I can feel like a human again. Had a dream about playing pachinko, where the machine somehow controlled the fate of our democracy.

It will at least be different!

I'm not really clear on how the redistricting works - does it happen /after/ the 2020 election?

Good list! My partner and I just finished a rewatch of all of DS9, and now we're doing a Voyager rewatch. I know, I know, but I actually find Voyager pretty entertaining. I mean, it's dumb, and its version of technobabble is /extremely/ dumb ("we escaped the event horizon!"), but just on a character/story level

Wow. And that is not a good set of states either. Reps could actually get a 2/3s majority.

Yeah I guess a "data-driven" campaign in the year that data completely failed us wasn't such a good idea…

I did say "mildly"!
I don't think people really wanted fascism though, I just think they really /really/ hated Clinton, mostly thanks to the media. Her flaws were fairly unique, and the next candidate will be a different situation.