
A computer based off cassette tapes? Yep, I think that had the potential to catch on...

I thought that’s how Taco Bell won the franchise wars?

It’s not a tumor!

But a good way to get back on your feet is to miss two car payments.

African or European?

I pay 3 farthings per hogshead of gas. Times are tough everywhere.

gotta be this eh?

How about a boat pooping out a Ferrari? Anyone remember ‘One Crazy Summer’ starring John Cusack, Bobcat Goldwaith and Demi Moore??


Except these types would probably drive with a suspended license.

Oh look a shitty cop from a supposedly liberal leaning city. I don’t know why, but it feels like maybe I shouldn’t listen to white people when they talk about all those super liberal cities being amazing.

What is the worst living thing on Earth? If you answered “centipedes,” you’re correct! But coming in a close second are humans, of course.

Star for the Zork reference.

Shouldn’t that be a Mustang?


Well, just like porsche wth the cayenne... if selling this car helps Ford make more fun cars like fiesta/focus st and RS variants for the US market then that’s a good thi...

If the V8 rumble didn’t tip them off, they’d know as soon as it left Cars & Coffee.

The Judge did rule in Mecum’s favor, that we could sell this car.