Well, my pool numbers of 0,3 and 3,3 ended up netting a nice payday.
Well, my pool numbers of 0,3 and 3,3 ended up netting a nice payday.
The NFL should just rename the Super Bowl to the Bill Belichick Invitational.
What are the chances this thing will go 200,000 miles and that it can be owner maintained?
What a bunch of morons on that flight. Not only should the broken leg have been stabilized, but should also have been put in traction to prevent the muscles from contracting and moving the bones alongside each other. In fact, depending on how long the flight took to get there, your buddies should have been thinking…
Friend was in LA on business and attended game 4. Said it was one of the worse outings to a baseball game he’s ever had. And he’s been to a lot of different parks.
How the Red Sox pitching staff restrained from drilling a 100mph fastball into that guy’s knee is beyond me.
> It’s like.... all the intake runners are simultaneously pinching a loaf.
You missed the single most important piece.
I’m FAR more qualified. I’ve never been caught. Bwahahaha
Wow. That new math really works.
This is why my wife sends me when she needs specific things. I target, grab, and leave. Never understood the way people get suckered into things. If it wasn’t what you wanted, don’t touch it.
My motorcycle does not have a center stand. However, it uses the same frame as one that does. The center stand bolted up just fine. The only issue was the foot lever was too short to reach out beyond the lower trim of the panniers. So, I cut the foot pad off and found a piece of metal that fit inside and could extend…
Could be worse. Could be um... Male ejaculate.
Botched suicide?
I found the cause:
Get out of the banks and into the brokerage accounts or money markets. Much better returns. Yes, there is more risk, but over the long term you should be able to do 8% or better.
Unless your interest rate is much lower than your investment returns.