
To this day, when the state police aim those laser devices at me on the road, I get an adrenaline dump because it looks just like someone aiming a rifle at you. And the thing is, I see THAT well before I register the police car and uniformed trooper because I simply don’t see police as a threat, but a rifle pointed my

You know for a fact that each neighborhood will have its Blue Hair contigent that will make it their life’s goal to nab every last scofflaw that dares to travel one tenth of a mile an hour over the posted limit.

Wow, big announcement from Musk.

I agree, the extreme stuff that isn’t well engineered is a problem. But there are a lot of people who spend the time to make far less radical modifications that ARE both functional and safe. I fail to see why the same brush is the answer to both situations. Just look at any of the Icon trucks. They are all a bit over

What a lovely blanket statement.

That looks like the kind of thing that gets spray painted “Free Candy” on the side...

Really?  Is anyone really that surprised?

And the Beer Coolers are still locked....

They need to put a big sticker across the side that says I-ROK and then watch the worst of humanity “fight me bro” over it.

Can’t make it idiot proof. They keep making better idiots.

Some people learn the laws of physics in different ways.

Maybe make driving tests more stringent so only competent drivers who understand what 11 ft 8in clearance means are allowed to drive?


Slotted rotors are also good when you do a lot of driving on gravel roads. Nothing sucks more than that sound when you get a tiny piece of gravel stuck between a pad and rotor. A slotted rotor cleans out those pesky problems quickly.



Crashing with Style!

Kids here used to spin too. Then they moved onto something else.


You’ve lost another submarine?