
Not my cup of tea, but I can’t see this as a bad deal. Figure a good check out and maybe a slightly lower final price, and it appears you have a pretty nice deal. I could so see a college student being quite happy in that.

Well, if you don’t have a gun... WHY?

Of course, the answer here was to die while they waited for people with guns to arrive.


*sigh* Please turn in your Jalop Card...

“Holy Skynet, these humans are CRAZY!”


Be prepared to be arrested and become a criminal at no fault of your own.

So, does the rear hatch dump water down the back of the neck of rear seat passengers when opened in the rain?

I wonder...

Look carefully at the name of that GTO and then look at who resolved the issue.

1.65 rounded to 2 significant figures is 1.7

ARGH!!!! Eye Bleach, Eye Bleach!


I suffered a case of SSNHL several years ago. Basically I woke up and could not hear anything in my right ear. After a treatment of Prednisone, I began to get my hearing back. (I won’t get into the details as the whole cause and treatment of SSNHL is pretty much still guesswork)

My Volvo was wholely owned by Ford when I got it and was built in the Netherlands.

The way you are heading, you’ll be doing suspension parts, drivetrain mounts, etc. because all of them deteriorate over time. Unless you plan on a restoration or a primary daily driver, it’s not worth the effort.

Do you want to ride ON on IN your vehicle?

Does your CUV have a modified ‘busa engine?