Too Grey to Function

Enemies do not adhere to the spirit a of deal. They exploit it.

Flash back to the debate between Obama and Romney; all you clapping seals who thought it was so witty when Obama told Romney that the 80's wanted his foreign policy outlook back when Romney said that Russia was our biggest geopolitical foe...pretty hilarious now, isn’t it?

Get back to me when he starts talking about a master race and announces plans to exterminate entire ethnicities.

I’m sorry but you guys really need to employ an editor. If you keep on referring to this blogging material as “journalism,” you should act like it, regardless of the content.

Eh, that’s not necessarily true—we want reasonable people with some eye towards the public interest to have Herr Drumpf’s ear. Not saying that Kalanick was one of those people, however...

I predict 90% of them are gonna reinstall the app within 2 weeks

If you’re not against him you’re for him.

Those were white people, not terrorists you asshole.


Don’t burn yourself on that take.

I love how you didn’t mention the Boxer Rebellion.

A nation has the right to choose who they want to come be citizens, just like a citizen has the right to choose who enters their house. Whats the big deal? If the majority of the people agree- its the peoples choice

Aimee- Your dates (and presidents) are a bit mixed up and need some important corrections: President Wilson signed the first bill in 1917; President Coolidge signed the Johnson Reed Act in 1924.

The first sentnce is wrong. Woodrow Wilson signed this act into law, not Calvin Coolidge.

...I just fail to see the point.

I don’t see what is so objectionable about your comments. Maybe if you start posting with unmerited confidence about how smart you are and how everyone who doesn’t agree with you is a dum-dum you can get un-grey’d

I’m replying to your comment because someone said not to

i do wonder however how people can be so offended by other’s words, thoughts ideas.

This is the Left’s and specifically the Far Left’s response to a speech they don’t like.