Too Grey to Function

you cant have met many men, then...maybe 3 billion or so, tops.

This is huge news regardless of the time slot she’s ultimately given, as Kelly’s skills as a daytime TV host—especially one as delightfully unhinged and fluffy as Today—are largely unproven.


DNA Info NYC posted this and people in the comments are already calling it fake news. Remember y’all: the only fake news is the news you don’t like :)

Too be fair, MSNBC sucks.

I’m confused, you don’t care about the law, just who’s enforcing it? Like when Obama enforced it, it was different? Idk, regardless of his rhetoric on other things, it seems to make sense to deport people who are in the US and also committing crimes.

I honestly don’t see the controversy on holding people who are undocumented and have also committed a crime. I don’t think police should go around checking papers, but if you are caught committing a crime in the US, what is the advantage of not holding you for deportation? Why would we want undocumented people who

While I am a supporter of sanctuary cities and am made sickened by Trump’s immigration policies, what your sheriff is doing isn’t exactly brave. She holds an elected position and is doing what the vast majority of her constituents wants her to do. It would cost her her job if she didn’t.