The Grey King

Morocco gave Hillary 24 million. Hillary for prison! All you Liberal Democrats on this hypocritical toilet of a site make me sick. 

How much money did Hillary take from Morocco? $24 million?

Say what you will about America but we are way cooler than a lot of places.

Do you guys just not copy edit anymore?

This is fucking hilarious.

That is my point.

People point to her increased salary as if it’s proof that she wasn’t injured. How do you know she wouldn’t have been making even more had she not been libeled?

He’d make them work, as long as they weren’t peach crocs.

Hopefully this was a joke.

“Jezebel also learned that shortly after Killman-Hardin was released, he was suggested as a “person you may know” to his victim on Facebook.”

Rating the attractiveness of the opposite sex is normal and healthy. Calling it rape is a deviant mind.

So. Their sexuality is abhorrent....but forcing them into sexual situations that fit your fantasies is tots good?

It’s not shitty, but quote normal. And developmentally appropriate. What planet do you inhabit boys don’t talk about girls?

Some late teenage boys rated the looks of girls. Yawn. Confused about the tempest in this particular teapot.

SJWs are so pathetic. Relationships in the game are represented by a numeric value. What’s the big deal? So what if this guy sees the world in a SLIGHTLY different way from the ‘party line’? “HE HAS TO BELIEVE EXACTLY THE WAY WE DO!!!!” No, he doesn’t. It’s pretty obvious the programmer through some values together to

SJW wanna ruin everything. Thanks Hillary.

Please, small independent developer with a shoe string budget working from free time, PLEASE cater to my every whim based on my snap judgement of your personal beliefs based on the way you coded your game.

Everyone knows this guy’s just making a video game and not running for President or heading up an inquisition, right?

Wow thought police and social assassination in full effect.

The forgot The Stranger. Sit on your non-dominant hand until if falls asleep and then jerk it.