The Grey King

And not to be confused with this Marsh either:

That is surprisingly logical.

I don’t know. And I’m sure she doesn’t either. Those are the perks of power - having someone on staff who has to deal with Comcast or whatever.

No, this is the Deep South.

Half the people there probably never watched baseball before.

I’m pretty sure “with a bj” is kinda like “with bacon”. It’s just better.

You are easily offended.


A man is found now a man can’t get sweeeet gubmit benefits. If the day comes when you must find me again, just give that coin to any man from Braavos and say these words to him: “Valar morghulis.”....

This can’t be the first time these words have been said.

Is that Amy Schumer trying to fuck that trash can?

The fact that Trump used a legal move to his advantage should not be news. Who gives a shit if it’s illegal now?

“Shady, Now-Illegal Loophole”

Listen, I hate Trump as much as the next intelligent individual but criticizing him for using legal tax strategies is stupid. Tax law is tax law.

I wonder what Hillary’s public and private opinions are about this.

Donald and his taxes...

This same exact capital gains exclusion is specifically allowed for anyone who received a home loan modification. The income tax associated with the forgiven debt was waived and there is no decrease in basis for the original property.

This isnt going to change anyones mind. It wasnt illgal and most people will use the laws available to pay less taxes.