The Grey King

Hey look everyone, another factually incorrect Anna Merlan story trying to push an agenda! Shocking!

Good luck with that, dumbass!

The cops need standard ammo for a variety of situations — penetrating car bodies, body armor, light cover, etc. Ideally the officer is trained not to point the weapon at anything they don’t want to kill, so nonlethal ammo is rarely an option, and typically (like paultoes notes) in riot control or foreseeable mass

If the other party has a gun with lead bullets, cops aren’t gonna use rubber bullets. And I don’t blame them.

Rubber bullets, or impact/baton rounds, are typically a 37 or 40 mm impact projectile fired from a grenade round. They are impractical for daily carry, and difficult to wield. They are usually assigned and provided to specialty units for crowd control or SWAT operations. 12 gauge bean bag round are still in use in

It doesn’t matter if it’s open carry or not, you have to drop a gun if a cop says to drop it. Open carry doesn’t mean you can point a gun at anyone or hold it when ordered to put it down.

In this case, they found a gun. The wife said there wasn’t one, but she was wrong. She also had known he had a gun because she had filed a domestic violence report against him before the incident and said he had one. Having TBI doesn’t mean you are excused from obeying a “drop the gun” order.

A good decision. And your lame use of quotation marks shows how biased you are.

Counterpoint: Swinton (who may or may not be real, we may never know the truth) is the one who mentioned a fictional school in the discussion of reality so shit that ain’t real is fair game.

His party only holds 10% percent of the Dutch parliament seats. The ban was approved by 132 out of 150 members.

Um, if the author bothered to report on this accurately, she would have mentioned that it was approved in the House of Representatives by 132 members of the 150-seat house. That includes nearly ever Left Wing MP.

Anyone who tells you America is the most racist country on earth is someone you needn’t take seriously until they finish (or retake and pass) a 200-level world history class.

Why do naive “progressive” libtard millennial SJWs like you think that Islam is so fucken kewl?

Well, you’d also want to direct them to the USA Code :) Not just case law.

Who the fuck rights ‘BTW’ in a pre-massacre screed? Can you please take yourself a little more seriously when carrying out Holy War?

Taxpayer dollars are only being spent in North Dakota on local police. Money from anywhere else isn’t being used for this as the corps doesn’t have a physical presence at the protests. That doesn’t mean that the federal government won’t give the state money to pay for law enforcement under trump, but they haven’t yet.

Standard Operating Procedure

This isn’t reservation land. The land is Army Corps land. They claim it from an old treaty, but as a right now the land is not part of the standing rock reservation. The governor can make that declaration for this area.

No shit. If you remove any group someone would win in landslide. Math.

“Diversity is the foundation of this country and it is reflected in every aspect of our military and Veteran populations.”