What a nonsensical loudmouth. That guy who interrupted him seems like a jerk too.
What a nonsensical loudmouth. That guy who interrupted him seems like a jerk too.
There’s a 30% chance he got married in the same clothes.
Agreed. Thomas is not the most important asset in the trade by a long shot. Cleveland got by far the best possible deal that was out there, I think they still move forward with the deal because the asset they covet is the Nets pick. No way the Celtics add more.
Haven’t seen an Indian catch something that significant since those blankets were given out by the Army in the 1800's.
Soccer is our stepson who comes for a custody visit every few years. You think he is a good kid (you do not spite him) but do not know him too well.
One of the greatest regrets I have is voting for McCain in 2008 and losing out on the opportunity to have voted for the best president we may ever see in our lifetimes. I was young and dumb and bought into the centrist, respected-on-all-sides mantra that he tried to project. I even looked past the warning signs of…
That comment just made me blush and put a big exaggerated grin on my face!
Racism? At an Indians game?
You’d think Ross Bjork of all people would be okay with big time sensuality.
How is that understandable?
The last time I can remember when black people were recruited en masse for new job opportunities, it didn’t go so well.
If you ranked tracks, Pixies might dominate the top ten. Burma has the better overall output, more even.
But shit, more games like last night’s and Price can scream at whoever he wants. He was excellent.
Eckersley was critical of Eduardo Rodriguez during the broadcast of last Thursday’s game, and so Price may have been trying to stick up for his teammate, who is currently pitching in Triple A.
He’s from Monty Python’s Ministry of Funny Baserunning.
As a Pens fan, I’m going to miss the current tradition of Fleury losing his job every postseason.
Does this mean we finally get some more gun control, now? Boy, I hope so.
It’s tough to get anyone in Washington to admit to obstruction these days.