Ginger Ninja

A woman in my office loves this show and I swear to God this morning she told me she was throwing out her old Crockpot because of the danger. I told her I heard that wasn’t really something likely to happen and she was relieved.

Actually, not true. Children born abroad to a US citizen are considered natural-born. That’s why Walnuts McCain (Panama) and the Zodiac Killer (Canada) were both able to run for president.

Maybe he doesn’t care enough about being the wokest brother on the planet so so he can try to satisfy the fickle internet social justice brigade and would rather go about his life and marry whoever the fuck he wants rather than choosing a partner based on redistribution of wealth to the black community.

Trump to his minions: Get me a real black. A dark one, but not too dark. I lost Harvey and nobody like Ray or Omarosa.

Listen. Having a THIRD baby shower seems a little tacky, but for people saying that Kim can’t have a shower because “she’s not even pregnant,” I just have this to say: fuck you very much. My daughter was born via surrogate, and I was a joyful and excited expectant mother even though I couldn’t gestate her myself. I

Since when is it not tacky to throw a baby shower for yourself? Let alone for your third baby?

It’s not so much the rules that’s the risk but the lack of financial and cultural clout that others have.

I agree with everything you’ve said. With the internet came a whole new kind of reporting, with different standards and different “rules”. For me, I guess this is my ambivalent response to what blogs are allowed to do. It is true, however, that they are breaking the rules at potential risk...but they don’t need me to

Thank you for the post. Jezebel pursued an open secret story inside of an industry that’s incredibly male dominated and where misogynist views (women aren’t and can’t be funny) still exist. The nature of CK’s comedy added icky complexity to the endeavor. Strong CK defenders (outside the comedy world) are to CK what

I’m a fan of Jen Kirkman and a diehard Jezzie. I admire CK’s work but have never been completely comfortable with him as a person, as I’d heard this shit before (which is rare, I usually have no idea what’s up with celebs). So...Confliction, party of 1.

CK started to gross me out when it seemed like his self deprecation never resulted in personal growth. Everyone fucks up and it’s ok to admit that and make jokes, but eventually you start to realize this shit is a pattern and we’re not laughing at fuck ups we’re laughing at a guy admitting he’s shitty and not doing

I think that, anyone who is surprised by this, has found a new version of ‘living under a rock’. This isn’t the first time that Louis C.K has been accused of sexual misconduct or sexual assault, it is just that people are kind of taking it seriously this time.

False reports are extremely rare and follow certain patterns. In almost all instances, fake accusers are trying to avoid some kind of trouble (like in the Duke lacrosse case). I’m not aware of any proven instances where someone was trying to “get revenge” for some sort of non-abusive slight, nor to “gain fame.” You

I believe his accusers, now that there are accusers.

I have never been on the receiving end because I don’t fucking harass people and people don’t make stories like that up out of thin air. If the accusations are baseless, they will collapse under a modicum of scrutiny. Hell, even if I DO go around harassing people, there’s little to no chance I’d ever see consequences.

I agree- something about him has always seemed off to me. Even when I found myself laughing at one of his jokes, I would somehow feel gross because of it. I’m beginning to see that this “seems off” thing is common among men who use feminism as a smokescreen for their abusive behavior.

So your attitude is that when there is an “open secret” about a sexually abusive person but no one is willing to go on the record about it, people should refuse to ask follow-up questions and everyone should just be silent and ignore it?

He always struck me as a gross comedian with strong misogynistic undertones in his performance but so many liberal guys I know loved him. He sounds so much like Adam Carolla or Bill Burr but because he has all the right politics, he’s fine I guess?

THANK YOU. As a biracial woman, I am tired of people saying my parents love was invalid. That it was just serving colonialism or serving to oppress black women. If women of color really do not hold men to be the locus of their lives, then do Kumaili and Aziz really need to represent brown women on screen for them? Let

Personally I’m tired of people attacking interracial relationships. I hated when Jill Scott did it several years ago and I hate it now. Because underneath the rant about interracial relationships is the hatred of biracial people. We get it, you don’t think we should exist.