Ginger Ninja

This actually gets even better from a ‘why would you compromise your career for this’ perspective. The Netflix guy’s wife emailed the victim’s husband from her work email account at Disney and berated them for trying to ruin their lives! It’s pretty tone-deaf and says Victim B “has really done a terrible thing to a

Thanks for the additional info!

Not to mention, Harry’s kids will be so far down the line for the throne, it’s irrelevant. Harry is now 5th in line, soon to become 6th after Will & Kate’s new baby; his kids will be lower. Very unlikely they’d ever get to the throne.

Wow! Thank you. I’m going to ask my vet about this. To clarify, cooked salmon is ok? I️ also use salmon oil on her food 4x a week (more than that and the vet says the dog will smell fishy). In your original point, you might want to make it clear LD gave her dog raw salmon, not cooked salmon, as I️ think a lot of us

Agree. Facebook has been promoting the same person as my top person I may know for a couple years: my aunt’s (who is not on FB, barely knows how to do email, and lives in a tiny village in Wales) ex-husband’s (also not on FB and not connected to any of my family, also lives in the UK, never met him) niece (with whom I

Agree that most self-*promoted* male feminists are of that breed you describe: those trying to capitalize on how enlightened they are, and lower women’s defenses while relishing the spotlight for their ‘unique’ insights. That Hugo guy was the *worst*. But I wouldn’t go so far as to say a man simply identifying as a

I was visiting downtown Seattle last weekend in the midst of the clashes between the awful Patriot Prayer group and the counter-protesters and saw firsthand why the SPLC gives this advice. The police were trying to keep them apart by being a physical barrier between the two groups, but mostly had to focus their

Right? Also what’s with the “fire up your dad’s Amazon prime account” to get Kelly Osbourne’s book? Is the target audience high schoolers without disposable income?  

Consider making flyers and putting them up at the dog park. You can be vague, reminding people to report dog attacks and providing the number to Animal Control, or more outright by saying your dog was attacked and you encourage people whose dogs have also been attacked by a corgi to document and report due to the

Mark *Sanford*, and he’s no longer governor; he’s serving as a US Representative after a couple years’ hiatus from politics. Still a scumbag but he maintained his reputation of being a maverick, a good ole boy, and most importantly a Republican, which was good enough for South Carolina

I’ve worked in Silicon Valley for 10 years. A major factor I haven’t seen listed in the good responses above is the lack of Human Resource policies and employees. When you’re racing to create a new product or service against competitors with similar ideas, and with a limited runway of money, the company leadership is

Yes! It was awful. Awful.

I read it as “Italians minus the American sociopathy”, which also made sense to me.

Ha! You basically just described the mistake I made—and lesson I learned —thanks to my now ex-fiancé I met at 27 (he was 39) and broke up with 4 years later. It’s such an easily identifiable type now that I know better. They’re so common!

Peanut/almond/sesame allergies, all onset at 31 years old for me! Mines gotten more sensitive over time (it has become mild airborne for almonds, increasing severity for sesame), so it’s been tough to manage. Despite always informing restaurants of allergies, I’ve been given them 4 times because chefs changed recipes

They can go to the bathroom for that.

TLDR: probably only if other passengers complain, since it’s not going to be very obvious to the flight attendants quickly walking by.

You just made me wish for a cross-over episode that will never happen. Imagine the beauty of Mindy and Jody giving the Girls cast some straight talk.