True, but I guess I go back to the idea that it’s not a job you’d take if you had a lot of choices, so I can’t muster that much anger towards them and just hang up. But you do you!
True, but I guess I go back to the idea that it’s not a job you’d take if you had a lot of choices, so I can’t muster that much anger towards them and just hang up. But you do you!
I wasn’t aware of those recent advancements, as I’ve kind of given up hope the past few years on following the latest studies :/ Thank you for the heads up. I do appreciate your response, as you’re clearly very educated on this topic.
Thank you! Great read :) Terrifying!
Not sure why I was too lazy to google this the other day, but I have now confirmed she’s 37 1/2
I like to think carrying a few extra pounds helps fill out any wrinkles ;)
I’m pretty good with wearing sunscreen and drinking water but am holding out hope that karma plays a factor too ;)
*You* can also hang up any time you want, preferably before objectifying them.
Agree. When I was in my mid to late 20s, the only friends having babies were my friends who were least prepared and were always starting over with a dramatic new life path. It seemed like they weren’t thinking things through the way the rest of us would, and these were ladies who had had abortions previously or at…
So you’re advocating sexually harassing telemarketers? There are better ways to handle unwanted calls of a non-harassing nature (in contrast to those in the article). I don’t like telemarketer calls either but don’t think they deserve being subjected to your sexualization while they’re doing a relatively undesirable…
I was shocked when I read at one point she was my age, which makes her 35-36. She has not aged well.
Can you share the link? I missed that one and can’t seem to find it!
As someone with narcolepsy who takes GHB every night for the past 10 years, I have a pretty good idea of the variety of behaviors it can cause, so I’d be careful of saying the typical textbook reaction is proof she’s lying. When I read this update, my first thought was that yeah that makes sense for it to be ghb. If…