the-fancy-beast hiding under your bed

Again, she has gotten clear messages about the ‘mismatch’ and a stable adult should be able to figure out that nearly daily contact with a college freshman is a mismatch on her end not on the freshman’s end. Instead of recognizing that she’s out of line, she’s guilting, manipulating, and considering retribution. Those

I don’t think this post is over the top at all. As a 20-year-old college student with an emotionally and financially manipulative mother, this is exactly the type of thing she would do/write. The words could have come straight from her—save for the part about having a good relationship with my older sister. It seems

THANK YOU. My mother called me literally every day when I left for school, until I mentioned it to my dad (I didn’t know that he didn’t know) and he made her stop. She’d get mad that I never called her, and then got madder when my answer was that she called me every day so why should I call? She’d also get mad that I

I’m with you here. I had to watch my boyfriend go through the same thing with his emotionally and financially abusive mother. Sorry you had to experience that too - it’s so hurtful. I can’t believe the people suggesting the daughter should just reject the financial help if she doesn’t want the mom doing this.

This isn’t projecting a personal experience upon other people’s lives,though. This is all about a narrative written by a parent who multiple times mentions money as a stick-and-carrot tool, because she is convinced that her kid isn’t responding to her unwanted attempts at communication. We don’t even know why her kid

It’s not projection. Abusive behaviours have patterns and signs, which is why people can be trained to pick up on them. They are major red flags: appears unable to recognise or acknowledge the child’s feelings; denies any problem exists at home or at school, or blames the child for the problems; consistently blames or

No, she’s not. This mimics my parents to a T. They were financially manipulative my whole life. Parents like these are usually emotionally abusive in every sense of the term. Using money as collateral is rarely the only problem. This is not an original story.

YEP YEP YEP YEP. And of course they’d all burst into tears after you caught them and say “I have money. I can pay for it.” Of course you can, you little privileged shit.

Always keep an eye out for white preppy girls/women aged 13-23. Worst shoplifters by group by far.

Cocktail sause is horseradish and ketchup. Would it have killed them to humor the guy?

Denton’s been dismissive of commenters for years. The rape gif debacle at Jezebel last year - that they had to go public with because he couldn’t have been less involved - is all the proof I need that he doesn’t give a fuck about who posts or doesn’t. This is so stupidly shortsighted that I can’t even.

I was sad that there were no new stories until I realized you don’t owe fucking Denton any new content.

And no context allowed either, just start right in with “I was working at KFC when...”

I read the “No poop or vomit stories” for what’s going to be the last time on this site and now I kinda want to send poop/vomit stories to the general Gawker tips email as a form of protest.

Especially considering “criminal” is such a monumentally diluted concept in the US as to be meaningless in itself. Where innocence is supposed to be assumed until proven otherwise, the privatization of law enforcement has placed the priority squarely on monetizing every single available soul for somebody else’s

That is a fucking horrifyingly good point.

I think the comment about the doctors is a really good point, though, that the mother needs to consider. She needs to be reminded about the fact that the people around her may be gay, and that it’s naive of her to attempt to live in a gay-free bubble. And the fact that a gay person might save her child’s life is a

So let me get this straight.

Gaga does her shows live, and she has an amazing voice. I’ve seen her live twice and she was fantastic.

Oh, I agree. I’m just saying that a defense attorney would absolutely bring it up.