the-fancy-beast hiding under your bed

Seriously. It’s like GOT, with Cersei bumbling from one idiotic move to the next and the crazy ass Sparrows have taken over.

They definitely haven’t done anything to weed out the more abusive trolls, or prevent people copycatting legitimate posters to ruin their reputations. And every single article about black people or transgender people is infested immediately after it lands. If the trend continues, I’m looking for a new place to get my

I know, right? I usually go back to the same article several times to read comments or see how a particular thread is unfolding, even though I’m not a part of the discussion. I was a lurker for many years because I’ve always thought “welp, I can’t really add anything original and insightful beyond the great comments

On BCO I read it ASAP and usually go back and read it again the next day because I don't want to miss any good comments. The comments are extremely important to me even if I'm generally a lurker

I don’t want to have to find some other fucking place if we lose these spaces on Jezebel, God damn it.

I’ll repeat what I have said elsewhere. I was a bit stunned to read Cook’s response to Evan’s piece. It was dismissive but par for the course. And then a week afterwards, major shake-ups at GM were made public and it felt incredibly minimizing and patronizing. And then the new GM lay-out/firings happened and Cook’s

So I JUST gray commented above that my whole reason for getting back into the commenting fray was so I could talk about this. I am really disappointed that GM sees Jezebel’s role as purely to be an outlet for celebrity gossip. I started back in the day as a Gawker reader, because I was working in journalism and it was

I know, I was out of the greys on Millihelen and I felt like I mattered there. I had a special joy in commenting, as silly as that sounds. And I’m not even over Dodai leaving yet.

Holy shit, does he know that most people come here FOR the comments? That there’s a shit-ton of lurkers interested in reading the comments?

I was a bit set on edge by the “we can’t be an echo chamber” idea, and the “we can’t be mean to the other side” thing. I mean, trolls and republicans and other assorted people who disagree are ALWAYS here in the comments. ALWAYS. And they’re getting more and more racist and gross. So I don’t think they need to worry

Millihelen and Kitchenette being dropped was a real punch in the gut. The writers and commenters were some of my favorite things about Jezebel. If SNS were to ever be changed i’d riot.

I hate it so so so much, but I’ll at least give their new “replacement” for Millihelen a chance before I abandon ship. They’re fucking morons for not putting Jane in charge of it just as a matter of course. I mean...YOU HAVE JANE MARIE. WHAT R U DOING. Looking fwd to her columns at TheToast, which might make me

I’m of the hope that there will be a quiet writer’s rebellion that will restore as much of l’ancien régime as possible before anyone is the wiser.

I really do not want them to transform Jezebel into a gossip tabloid.

I still need to talk about this: the current changes in Gawker Media, the firings and the closing of sub-blogs like Millihelen, The Vane and Kitchenette are still on my mind. Also, that post on the treatment of women by GM really left a bitter taste in my mouth. I really like this place, have liked it since its

This! All the this! Except my parents didnt believe in therapy. I’m currently in the process of cutting my dad out of my life once and for all. First step was a very long email explaining what he did and how it has affected me, how never accepting responsibility for how he made me feel if he didn’t explicitly say xyz,

I was 14. We were sitting in her hottub (it’s the first time I was allowed) and she looks at me with this almost believable shock and says, ‘oh- you’re pretty!’

There are certain relatives whose unabashed loathing of a sig. other actually counts as a ringing endorsement of said other’s character.

Nope, that’s borderline personality disorder with narcissistic features behavior, at least in my experience :/ my mom isn’t a drinker...

Moms everywhere: of course I can push your buttons better than anyone else. I installed the damned buttons.