
Approx. 45% of this country apparently doesn’t care about America anymore. That the race is still neck and neck is fucking insane. If Trump wins then we deserve every bit of bullshit and destruction he brings. Because too many Americans are fucking dipshits.

I can think of many other cool cars that could be had for less than this.

NP all day long. These are one of the few American cars that will absolutely run just as long and reliably as a Lexus. I’ve seen a few Youtube videos with these that have past 450,000 miles with hardly any real signs of wear. My grandmother owned a Lesabre with the same drivetrain. Never had a single issue with it.

How much fucking money does Bezos need? I ask because it costs NOTHING to be a decent human being or to treat employees halfway decently.

This thing looks like a mechanical nightmare. No thanks, ND.

So here is the reason I would never buy one of these: The timing belt. Or rather- the fact that this is a timing belt that stays wet with oil. That and its damned near impossible to get at. What a stupid design. No thanks

Local guy here. These days Oakland looks like some hellish war zone in parts. 

I Stopped going to car shows years ago. Its not just the model of vehicle but the fact that MOST people who restore them have ZERO good taste. I absolutely hate all of those “hot rods” that have been painted some awful, garish color like purple, fluorescent orange or whatever with cheesy chrome rims.
Maybe some will

Sorry but even if it were 100% new it is an UGLY looking car. That convertible top looks like trash bags taped together. ND

I have a few old cars and am well aware that they do not do well in accidents and that the occupants often don’t fare any better. But one look at the frame on this thing? If you get in a wreck, and if hit on the side? You’re dead. Sorry, not only is it overpriced but its basically a death trap.

Mitsubishi is one of the few Japanese automakers that doesn’t make a reliable product. These things are junk.

I am so ready for that shit stain to keel over from a heart attack. 

No thanks. Made during one of the worst eras for VW from a company that has a long history of making unreliable cars.

Here is a question above my pay grade: Legally, what options does the board at Tesla have at their disposal? I ask because I assume Musk must be legally tied to the company and cannot be removed. Because at this point if Tesla has any chance of survival its going to require removing him from any and all aspects of the

Yeah uh no... WTF is this person smoking? Because that is what I think of the price.

Another issue is that you’ve got 1000's of people all crammed onto on ship and as seen repeatedly, all it takes is a single sick person and the whole damned ship gets sick.

Why does the Titanic get used for references like this? Sure. In 1912 it was the biggest ship in the world. But it was a 45,000 ton ship. Large-ish and even medium sized cruise ships have been well north of that for many decades. The Queen Mary is over 70,000 tons for example. The Titanic would now be considered a

If it needed the clutch replaced at 40,000 miles then that tells you what we already know. That its a piece of shit that will milk your wallet dry. ND. 

Smart move. Perfectly normal and relatable person versus the couch fucking VP for the other side.

It looks like an electric razor on wheels....