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He wasn’t a raging remorseless psychopath, though. He expressed sorrow for having to kill “his own people” to achieve his goals, and the background given made it clear he wasn’t a psychopath, either. There were several scenes where they explored his emotional depth and differential motivations - this was about more

All of this, that’s why he’s so compelling. You can understand why he is the way is, and why he’s doing certain things, because there are real world examples all throughout history. Even his more irrational decisions have real motivations behind them.

That final line from Killmonger is incredible. It would be for any character, but for his in particular, I was kind of blown away by it.

You basically just spelled out every beef I had with this movie apart from the yawn-inducing CGI fight scene in the end. It just tried to do too many things, but then it sort of had too because of how the culture is now with movies, you don’t get time to do one movie building up your protagonist and another for your

Honestly, Black Panther squandered Killmonger in the same way that it has already squandered many potentially interesting villains (too many villaisn, too many plots). Black Panther feels like two movies - the origin story featuring Klaue and the sequel that pits BP against a evil version of himself - got smashed

Hey, even movies like Black Panther need their Tolkien white characters.

One of the other things that makes Killmonger such a compelling vision is that he has a tragic present as well as a tragic backstory. As T’Challa points out during their climactic fight, Killmonger wants to turn the colonizers’ weapons against them, but in taking control of Wakanda, he’s using the same destabilizing

Anyone who knows anything about humans knows that such technology being unleashed on the world would inevitably result in enormous amounts of warfare. The first things humans use any new tech for is sex and violence. Sure, we’d be able to heal people instantly, assuming they hadn’t been vaporized by a vibranium laser

I’ll back you on that.

While the bar is really low Killmonger is far and away the best Marvel villain ever. Even if we ignore the depth of the character and the questions he makes us ask he beats everyone else by simply being a legitimate threat, something the Marvel movies have a horrible time doing for their villains. The fact that he’s a

Assassin’s Creed is fairly pointless as well as there are three assassin’s creed side scrolling games.

If these were mobile or $10 Steam spin-offs I would play all of these.

I didn’t know that I needed a 2D Darth Vader platforming game, until now. So, someone somewhere needs to make that happen.

The Nier: Automata one makes me laugh since there are sequences in the game which are done as a side-scroller. They could have just saved some time and just taken a screen cap from one such sequence.

Are you trying to tell me that islands have a lot of issues with water?

I am the first to admit my 5 year old son can be annoying as fuck. He’s also 5 and probably doesn’t deserve to be insulted — and being called an annoying fuck is, in fact, an insult — by a grown man broadcasting to thousands of people.

Ummm ok? It’s still incredibly inappropriate for someone with no relationship to said child to call them a “pissant” on a regional radio station.

The most upsetting part of this story is that I had to listen to 33 seconds of WEEI just to get to the soundbite in question. Boston sports shows are the worst.

Is this actually more dangerous?