How do you not mention the box saying Samsung will *finally* be going to a dual speaker set up?
How do you not mention the box saying Samsung will *finally* be going to a dual speaker set up?
First year cars = issues. First release software = issues. Issues + Issues = Duh...more issues.
It was explicitly stated that the FO cruisers could keep pace but not catch up. It was said out loud. Maybe you missed that.
I swear Kotaku is another website that’s been given some sort of incentive to only write good things about Star Wars. I’m no student of film but— it’s a bad movie. The irony is the other night I searched for, “is Disney paying reviewers” — not because I read something somewhere but because EVERYONE I spoke to that…
I’m not saying they suck, but they’re not that weird. Big mouthy, mindless, tentacle monster is standard Hollywood, and re-hydrating food is standard “the future!” stuff (the effect was really well done, of course).
The smile was all “What the fuck ya gonna do about it?” Lol
People keep bringing up this is a movie about failure to somehow shield it from criticism because it somehow is breaking new ground... but Empire was about failure. In fact I’d say Empire is even more about failure because they actually failed. Han captured, Luke defeated.. you know failure. People died in Last Jedi…
Thank you! Too many people are lionizing this person’s laudable-but-not-much-more act, but the reality is that the rabbit had a pretty good chance of being fine on it’s own had it not been cornered by some human.
The Rabbit had a safe path from the fire. It wasn’t trapped at all. If anything he endangered the rabbit by cornering it, so that it might have darted into the fire, or traffic.
You’d have to think Rabbits are the dumbest animals in the world (we are talking “moth to the flame”, levels of stupid. to think this guy…
Saving a wild (unendangered) animal from a wildfire hardly makes someone a hero. Animal lover? Sure. Cool guy? Maybe. Hero? No. Irrelevant in the grand scheme of things? Yes. Animals die from all kinds of stuff in the wild and rabbits are more than capable of replacing their population, there’s a phrase about that…
An overbuilt umbrella is sortof pointless, since when it’s that windy the rain will be coming at you sideways. Better to just buy one of the many umbrellas with the “release flaps” so it can’t get blown inside out.
An overbuilt umbrella is sortof pointless, since when it’s that windy the rain will be coming at you sideways.…
1. Last I checked being a cashier at the piggly wiggly doesn’t end in PTSD due to either having to kill people, seeing your friends get their heads blown off, or for example walking into a village where all the kids have been massacred. Service alone doesn’t make you special. For every guy thats been through what I…
What treatments don’t work, exactly? An integrated team of medical, trauma and substance use counselors, social workers, and supportive housing? I’ll let the folks at the clinic know that smartliberal1987 says we’re wasting our time.
I truly wish him the best, but as somebody who has spent the last 5 years treating mental illness in the chronically homeless population, it saddens me to say that this is a well meaning, but incredibly misguided approach to helping. The lead picture speaks volumes, her cheerful instagram ready face next to the face…
The one that leaves its veterans homeless and destitute so they have to rely on random strangers for even a bare minimum of an existence?
Face ID was supposed to be more secure at an odds of 1 in a million, yet people have broken through it repeatedly from what I keep reading. I don’t recall seeing this as an issue with TouchID
The irony is that fingerprint is probably still one of the best way for security wise to unlock a phone. New tech does not always mean better ways of doing things.
Silly me. I like to read stories, and will actively avoid attempts to force me to watch a video to get the same information. I must not be his target audience.
Video has a time and a place. Stories that involve critical thinking and investigative reporting, are not that time or place. Trying to force reporters to dumb…
People at work like to play videos, so their bosses can be sure they are goofing off a sufficient portion of the day.