The E

The day I realized I’d become a boring adult was the day I went to the grocery store and simultaneously realized:

The day I realized I’d become a boring adult was the day I went to the grocery store and simultaneously realized:

I used to live a few blocks north of Keanu’s Manhattan apartment and hence, weirdly, would bump into him... a lot. To the point at some point we knew each other visually enough to sort of nod, acknowledging the other person on 8th Ave or when he’d be just sitting, by himself, semi-low key as to not be recognized in

Well, he is Canadian so, not shocking.

I had read an article speculating about this earlier. They said the enhanced version would have a stock Switch, with a new dock. The new dock would enhance the Switch while attached, upgrading the visuals to 4k 60fps.

Are we sure? Nintendo are well known for switching up form factors mid-generation to differentiate the products with no care for prior accessories.

I think it depends on pricing. Nintendo famously doesn’t like to cut prices on its hardware or software, so the “original” Switch might stay on the market at $300 US, the lower-end “Switch Lite” at under $200, and the beefier “Switch Pro” around $400.

I guess I’d imagined the existing Switch staying put and another new model coming in either above/below it. But this effectively kills the OG switch dead.

I saw the strangest thing today: some conservative writers were actually agreeing with AOC regarding this deal and how Amazon does NOT deserve free money.

People can move anywhere in the world and some countries (like Russia) actively court them with lower taxes. Yet all the wealthy haven’t moved there. That would seem to imply there is a greater value living in the United States and other western democracies. Like any valuable real estate, they should have to pay more

I mean, this is all just how you want to frame the narrative.  Another possibility might be that Amazon didn’t view NYC as a superior enough location to bother fighting for.

You may be right that NYC has set itself up for decline, but bringing in Amazon and giving them $3 billion in tax breaks is hardly likely to reverse that trend.

This sure seems like an advertisement. 

This sure seems like an advertisement. 

Five new movies? Five? One wonders what the other four were going to be about. My guess is, number five is the romantic story of the patriarch Methuselah being sneakily seduced by JonBenet Ramsey.

I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall when he pitched this movie.

Why the fuck anyone would wanna work with Woody Allen is beyond me. Fuck that guy.

Never thought I could possibly side with Woody Allen. But he has a point. There was nothing new in the allegations and movies about fucking teens has always been prominent among the six types of films he made.

It’s a solid - if distasteful - legal position. Nobody can say they didn’t know all the history already, nevertheless Amazon’s legal dept signed off on this deal.

“...that allegation was already well known to Amazon (and the public) before Amazon entered into four separate deals with Mr. Allen...”

I’ve tried recapturing that old lovin’ feeling by replaying old games but... It’s really true what they say “You can never go back home.”  The circumstances that made those games so nostalgic is forever gone.  I can’t go back in time, mind and soul to what I was.  That’s simply impossible.  But you can sure as hell