I know its kind of crass but all I keep thinking about is: 100 million of ordinance was just fired. (1.6 million a pop).
I know its kind of crass but all I keep thinking about is: 100 million of ordinance was just fired. (1.6 million a pop).
Am I alone in thinking Bioware shouldn’t be commended for this? I mean I’m glad they actually recognized the issues with the game and are taking steps to fix them, so credit where credit is due...but this is a night and day difference in quality. These are glaring problems that should’ve been handled with a 3-6…
So I say it’s a great thing!
No they didn’t. The financial crisis that affected many of their key markets in the late 2000's meant they had to go for a low price point when they designed the original PS4 and Xbox One. Hence they designed 2 consoles with very low specs and it pissed off 3rd party developers massively.
Ya the last time Sony got this confident we got the PS3 Launch...
The lines are blurry, although this feels closer to a new console generation than it does to the PS4 Pro’s iterative improvements. Question is: will Microsoft have the games to compete?
My god, this generation is turning into a real mess. How many more half-generation leaps are we going to see shoehorned into the next 5-7 years?
I would just point out even to diehard Sony fans - monopolies are terrible for consumers. If Xbox ceases to be an effective competitor to Playstation, and the Switch remains in its own real niche, there’s no market incentive for Sony to make a better product. The last thing you should want as a Playstation owner is…
OK then, sheesh, I was just curious that this was a problem and wanted to read up on it.
It’s still a shitty design whether or not any of us actually ordered one.
Their attempt at minimalism means all of the basic controls and gauges are crammed into a single touchscreen that’s impossible to use without taking your eyes off the road. Absolutely atrocious.
Stop wearing your chain wallet in the car, dude.
If it is anything like the Model S/X even if the screen dies, the car is actually still drive-able given the car system is completely independent of the screen(s). You can independently reboot the screen(s) without affecting car operation.
So there are the people who assume minimalism is beauty. It is not. There is beauty in minimalism if it’s executed well (see: Volvo, Audi, IKEA. And I know tesla poached the main interior designer from volvo). This just sucks. It’s minimalism for the sake of minimalism, without design or beauty.
A lot of modern cars are basically undriveable if the center touchscreen dies.
Except that most people aren’t over Apple removing the headphone jack. It’s still a pain. Every single day.
Some of us are DEFINITELY not over that. I’m a gigging musician and live sound engineer...Apple’s vision for the future of audio does not line up with mine.
The things you have to do when you can’t find other ways to deliver on your “affordable” model.