The E

On the other hand, do the low income motorists in the town have the cash to pay a $95 speeding ticket that they can’t contest with due process? You can’t just assume it’s only affluent drivers getting fined, which means the fines in the first place weren’t OK.

Traditionally, a police officer has to witness you breaking the law to charge you with it. However, now they have an autonomous camera to do the same job. More revenue for the town, as the camera sees all at all times and will send you a ticket even if you had to run that light (like a situation in which if you

“Has anyone seen my wedding ring?”

Installation guy.

In theory, the reason why speeding is bad is that it is dangerous. If a city is really concerned with safety they would use real police inforcement instead of speed cameras. With a speed camera you don’t know until way after the fact that you were speeding. When you see a cop running radar or pulling someone over,

So does this establish legal precedent so that we can finally start to get rid of those damn things?

I’m ignorant on this, don’t watch his channel and this is the first story about this I’ve read, but let me understand.

What’s funny about it?

Well done. How very original, edgy, and pushing the boundaries. Anti-Semitic ‘jokes’, so fresh.

OLED is better and worth more. The Samsung you linked doesn’t support HDR.

OLED is better and worth more. The Samsung you linked doesn’t support HDR.

I think the microbus has a timeless cultural appeal that is a bit different than most of the retro cars. Even with the boomers entering their ‘70s I think VW can sell these. The main thing will be seeing if they can keep it cheap, they should be targeting similar demographics to the Kia Soul (young and old), but who

What about the XL Sport? <2000 lb weight and 200 HP? Another great car VW didn’t put into production.

The last 2 cool concepts that VW never made that I may have bought. Don’t hold your breath waiting for this one.

I do remember seeing the swapbot video. That was fun to watch. But how many swapbots are actually deployed? Count them. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

don’t get me wrong — FF has an amazing vehicle, certainly more technically daring than Lucid’s, but it seems like it’s constantly getting pulled in two directions at the upper levels of the company. Read through some of our stories on difficulties with top execs jumping ship and you’ll see what I mean, same too with

Engineering prototypes are cool as hell.

I have the ability to do this after a few drinks.

I’ve been saying this for a while. Batteries don’t have to all be in one spot. Yeah, putting all their weight under the floor doesn’t suck, as Tesla proves with their heavy S nonetheless carving corners like a slot car. But the flexibility of batteries means taking advantage of otherwise useless space. And since

Yeah, I feel like I would be happier with double the mileage range and like, only 400 HP.

Do we really need another six figure electric super car?

And we’re back to politics on a car blog. Thanks for this.