If you sign up and then cancel, the $14.95 monthly fee is deducted from the $25 Amazon credit.
If you sign up and then cancel, the $14.95 monthly fee is deducted from the $25 Amazon credit.
If you sign up and then cancel, the $14.95 monthly fee is deducted from the $25 Amazon credit.
If you sign up and then cancel, the $14.95 monthly fee is deducted from the $25 Amazon credit.
Perhaps all the above is a concerted effort to prevent droids from having instantaneous access to all the data in the universe. By not creating the infrastructure for easy data transmissions and by keeping mass storage facilities analog droids remain subservient.
Stop. VW were the dicks. They’ve created the issue.
Nah, but there will be more specific verbiage in the legal documents outlining what constitutes an acceptable vehicle.
Completely different. You get a speeding ticket for breaking a rule so paying in pennies is being an ass for being caught breaking a rule. In this case, he bought a car, with the full intention of paying for it and enjoying it, and was completely screwed over by the manufacturer. What rule did he break?
Next thing you know, he’ll ride a motorcycle!
We need you to be able to get the car on the lot and have the engine kick in when you turn over the starter. That’s the only criteria we’ve been given. I had a guy who’s Jetta died on the way to his buyback appointment on Friday. He had it towed, and he was able to start it at the dealership. So, he got his check.
It says nothing of road use or legality on a given road, it is clearly defined ““Operable” means that a vehicle so described can be driven under its own 2.0-liter TDI engine power”
Honestly, considering the likely fate of these cars I think VW’s really just interested in getting that vin checked off in their spreadsheet. Stripping it just makes life easier for the shredder.
It’s going straight to the dealer, maybe even trailered there so what do you care?
The term is defined clearly in the court documents:
He’s leaving some $ on the table still : Those look like good wheels/tires! I would say get a set of ratty craigslist wheels or even drive it in on spares for the full effect.
I admire his commitment to being a recalcitrant ass.
Leave it to a car salesman to use the letter of the law to screw someone.
I think that the fundamental flaw is assuming that these big-wig insiders got their position because of their industry skill and not due to their political skills, which is the case for 90% of all execs at large companies.
So I was a former Fisker employee who was asked to interview for a position in Finance at Faraday a year or so ago with the promise of some fairly outrageous compensation at least for the position level. I took one meeting with them and decided they were full of as much shit as Fisker was, if not more so. But I…
Guarantee it is easier to land an SU-33 on the admiral kuznetsuv than it was to land in Top Gun.
As somebody earlier pointed out, it’s one thing to own a carrier, quite another to operate it effectively and efficiently. The US has this down to a well honed science. We’re damned good at it. It will take quite some time for China to catch up, but I’m sure they will. Eventually.
China’s actually works, because they pay to maintain it. Russia’s economy is the size of Italy’s, it’s silly to expect them to actually be able to pay to maintain a superpower level military.
Countries that want to project power/protect their foreign interests without causing World War 3, I guess?