It’s a good thing there is no “Deadspin on Tape” or Floyd would be very upset at you guys.
It’s a good thing there is no “Deadspin on Tape” or Floyd would be very upset at you guys.
I’m a Royals fan and trust me when I say that it has never crossed my mind that a team managed by Ned Yost plays the game “the right way.”
That’s even more insulting than being forced to pay for a walkout. Holy shit.
I wouldn’t be particularly thrilled if someone was going to flash me their vagina or dick, either.
Maury: Connie, did you drink that entire handle of McCormick's vodka last night?
Plus, at home you can make your big delicious breakfast while still being a little sleepy and not going through the whole nonsense of putting on shoes and waiting in line. So much more relaxing.
She is a national treasure.
IMG, I love ya, baby, but let’s not put Katie Couric up there with Edward R. Murrow.
My first impression of seeing what Magary looks like in person is thus:
You look like Tom Ley and Parker Lewis had a child. And beat it.
I never understood spouses who sit there while their SO treats people like this. If my wife ever treated someone with disrespect I'd throw down a tip and let her know I was leaving and if she wanted a ride home she'd better join me. I also know that if I were to ever be the jerk, that she'd do the exact same thing…
This is all a put on, right? Or some kind of 1994 cosplay?
As a teenager, I rubbed Dove soap on myself every morning and night, and also right before lunch and then mid-afternoon, and also right before cross-country practice, but then right after cross-country practice, and I would take a break from homework to rub Dove soap on myself, and sometimes even I had to leave in the…
Los Locos kick your ass, Los Locos kick your face, Los Locos kick your balls into outer space!
As soon as anyone passes 30, a six-pack is the misguided poisoned chalice of the fitness world.
I would just like to take credit as the person who found the dickbutt and posted it on reddit about 9 hours ago. Here is a link to the post:
I don't understand why they had your keys?
Or better yet, NEVER give them the only key you have to the car. EVER.
Also, NCAA tournament =/= college basketball.
"See, on the show, I'm a shitty person," Mayweather said, "but in real life, I'm even fucking worse."