the dude

I did not see her white hanky while running backwards.

I figured that but the camera angle blocked the view.

I could not tell from the angle- did she slip in a an armbar?

That thing would only do 80 downhill with a tailwind. MAYBE.

How's the crop looking so far?

Depends on the stupidity of the thief.

Ha! I bet it was interesting.

I usually just ball into the fetal position and cry. It's the Catholic in me.

I think of the UW as never being out of character- always makeup and tassles. Even when he sleeps.

Time to shuffle off this mortal coil...

So, Irish yoga is good for something besides drinking...

And coke. LOTS OF COKE.

No shit. That's all people did on Smash Wii when I played online. Spam the hell out of certain attacks until you learned to defend it or quit in frustration.

If playing Smash Wii U is anything like Smash on the Wii it probably sucks horribly.

Shock time!


Jesus Christ man, it ain't that horrible.

Jesus, riding a stationary bike is horribly boring. Real bike all day.

I appreciate both but I was never really fast enough for sevens. Still appreciated it.

Look, cricket sucks donkey balls in the same way baseball sucks donkey balls. They are both horribly lame sports you have to be stupidly drunk to enjoy. And even then they are hard to enjoy because you will want to take a nap because they are fucking BORING.