Flew away to Flappyland on her flappy labia.
Flew away to Flappyland on her flappy labia.
Bush FTW.
Absolutely horrible.
As a man I appreciate roast beef more than the peek-a-boo. I am also admittedly a bush man and can't stand what the shaving industry has done to kill bush in porn. Disgusting.
Some people stretch them out and hang weights to make them flappier. Don't ask me how I know.
Mmmmm... anal excursion.
Drumpf looooooves the stupid people!
Same reason some runners can't be bothered to stick to a sidewalk when one is available.
Please be explaining how the Hildebeast committed treason. I know she is a dirtbag politico that has done lots of slimy stuff but this treason charge is new to me.
Varsity Squat Thrust Team!!!
Needs to stop guzzlin' da sizzurp.
That be alive and kickin' too.
No argument here. Timmay for days.
Brah, you think you crossfit but you don't REALLY crossfit. Back to the showers with ye, Noonan.
Brah, do you EVEN crossfit?!?!?
Sure brah, whatevs. Crossfit!
The new Rio rowing uniform is a full Tyvek suit.