the dude

humblest of humblebrags.

She hopes everybody has taken the forgetmenow pill.

Humblebragging is the new self help.

I am past 40 and feel like I haven't accomplished jack shit. It's not true true, but it feels like it.

I thought she did a slam-bang job of blaming her farts on someone else. #FARTGATE

One of my bucket list items to attend the races and ride it myself.

Hey, he helped Anne lose weight.

Exactly. You obviously missed the joke.

Chim-Chim Cherie!

You could borrow my newsie hat if you wish to cosplay.

Meh, it was okay.

then Ruby fucks a corpse. Was there farting and boners involved?

Probably where most of the 290 mil went. Filling sinkholes.

It drives me nuts because she holds it in all damn day and then the hatches open once she goes to sleep. I woke up one time and thought an intruder broke in the damned house (I sleep with earplugs). I WAS PISSED.

The wife still tut-tuts me if I fart in the same room and she farts in her damn sleep ALL THE DAMN TIME like wake me out of sleep farts. I would get pissed but it is a losing battle.

Quit giving me conflicts. I was all Elba before you had to throw that wild card in.

Why not both?

Las Vegas Half and Halves.

Las Vegas Prostitutes. The gritty Nolan name.

Community college classes FTW.