the dude

I probably burned some bridges on the way out of my first job but I wanted them to know I was not happy with the hand they dealt me when they moved me down to a horrible area office.

Those and how do you leave John McLaughlin off a guitar list?

Vernon can shred. he often gets left out of these discussions but should be right in them.

Brooks got to liking it.

Dirty as hell would have been studs up. This is a shade of dirty but not dirty as hell.

That's what I saw before Punchy shoved him and then sucker punched him.

Correction- SUCKER PUNCH.

Skrillex did almost die swatting at that damn bee.

Slapping da Bass mon!

Nearsighted gynecologist

Puppies gonna pupate.

Poor CarrotHead... he get no love Docta Jones.

Nyet, you are just a punta chola that needs to be stabbed right back in return.

What is unresting bitch face then?

Nah, that guy from Balls Deep. With full blown AIDS of course.

From a pretty bitch. Um, er, I meant her mom! Uh, fuuuuuuck.

So fresh a take was had.

The Tomorrow Show with Magary?

Nothing quite like the taste of spinal fluid in the morning. Tastes like... paralysis.

If you can create the exact inverse I will agree.