Knew a guy in school- his dad was married NINE TIMES. Yeah, wrap your head around THAT. Strahan ain't got nothin' on that guy's dad.
Knew a guy in school- his dad was married NINE TIMES. Yeah, wrap your head around THAT. Strahan ain't got nothin' on that guy's dad.
I think they still have an operating Orange Julius at the West Side Mall in Wichita.
Kepp your booties on and BURN EVERYTHING WITH FIRE.
Yeah, there is that.
Eh, they were returned as defective. Nah, don't want a replacement just keep your fucking defective product in garbage SoCal to fester.
Damn straight. You sore losers out there could take a lesson or two from us fine losers.
Well, I know for sure the one room you DO NOT want to hold your orgy in. The champagne room, for obvious reasons.
Hehe. I don't Tweetter either but I see people putting pound signs in front of garbage statements all the time. Draft be a fickle lady.
Yeah, what a nincompoop. You wait until AFTER he makes bank to take him down. People are stupid.
How about wait until the guy makes bank and THEN extort for the money. Man, people are fucking stupid.
Holy shit, the devil weed! Run for the hills!
Walking out of Publix with crab legs down my shorts on one too many occasions has kept me out of the draft for the past 10 years. #whyyousofickledraft
You are not consuming enough, consumer.
I used to play Steamroller in the rubber room. Hard to scratch your nuts with a straitjacket on.
Who are you? Are you my PO?
Wyld Stallyns rule!
Don't sell yourself short judge, you're a tremendous slouch.
Dude is a straight up cockaroach when it comes to coaching jobs. He will survive the nuclear holocaust and still be a damn coach for some horrible team somewhere.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
That is a true trust fund degree right there. Looks like your friend was not a trust fund kid.