Walton is tits.
Walton is tits.
Walton for Prez
No shit. Bravely Struggle through the paper and collect your A/B.
I thought Ted Cruz graduated already and he sure as hell ain't 22.
Where would you need to wear a backless hoodie? At least Yeezy covers your back with that burlap sack, yo.
Dirt. Canada's most valuable resource.
With nary a pussy in sight.
Tentacle. T-E-N-T-A-C-L-E.
Goshdanged NERDS!!
So he is the NFL equivalent of the St. Louis Cardinals stereotype?
That you can't flush.
*AHEM* 7-11.
Alas, my parents did not have the wits about them to name me Shackeford Stanwick so it looks like I am down to playing pocket pool and eating dirt as my go to sports.
Holy shit Mr. Debbie Downer. Why don’t you just go one step further and callout everyone involved as losers and to kill themselves and their families? How the fuck do you know if their special little snowflake might be the next major league ped abuser?
If I could only go back to 1982 right meow...
Shia La Beef hates your analogy.
So far in my two homes I have owned there was very crappy mapping of the circuit breaker in the house. Since I was doing electrical upgrades this was absolutely necessary to do to keep from potentially frying myself.
How about just get a toilet and drain snake and fugget about the chemicals?