The answer is ISLE OF MANN. Always ISLE OF MANN.
Hint: At the MSF course you get a nice 250 that is almost impossible to not figure 8.
Hehe. I am sure Harley is quaking in their boots at that testimonial.
That's nuts.
Don't say you were not warned or you had no idea it was illegal when you do get hit or ticketed.
Except you are probably violating your town's ordinances when you jaywalk when a sidewalk is available. There is that. Ah, those pesky laws and ordinances...
It's bunk. I used to run and when I did I used the sidewalk when it was there no matter how busted up it was. I didn't want to get run over by a car and neither should you.
Bicycles are considered motorized vehicles in pretty much all municipalities everywhere and in some places are required to use the road. If there is a sidewalk to walk/run on and you are not on it then yes, you are jaywalking. Sorry, that's just the breaks.
Obviously you are not a golfer.
I would like to see your peer reviewed study that shows running on asphalt (if that is what she was running on) is better on your feet and legs than a concrete sidewalk.
Stupidity and laziness.
BUT when she resists the order to not jaywalk that escalates it I am pretty sure.
Don't get pissed if I accidentally run you over IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD in my car. A concussion will be the least of your problems I can guarantee you.
Pants and underwear tend to trip me up in public because I am a fucking annoying klutz so I go sans pants AND DRAWERS!!
Boohoo. Don't jaywalk please.
If seams in the sidewalk are too hard for you to navigate may I suggest staying home and running around your yard? Seriously man. Seams in the sidewalk...
When a decent sidewalk is available, yes it is.
How does a runner 'run' a bike?
Motorized vehicle privilege.