the dude

Total Woodard. Probably says "You'd be a lot cooler if you did" a lot.

Fuck the pommie limeys. Up their farking arses.

Like, the fucking worst. And wrong too, the term dates to England form the late 18th century.

The earliest use of this term dates back to England circa 1764. So who is appropriating whom here?

Sick burn, sick burn, brah.

Oh crap. This does involve interstate commerce. The seller is fucked if this is true.

Stay gold, Wooderson. Stay gold.

Kid need to be shipped to Gitmo, STAT.

The problem this creates is what if every a-hole on the team decided to bring their snot-nosed kid with them too? A lot of crusty sox is what you would have.

Or that Bart dude.


They are both Protestant whisky.

Sod off too!

He was pukin' awn tha cawna wit Murph.

At least he was temporarily warm.

Page 2.

This needs stars, people!

Joey, you ever play a rusty trombone?

Fucking twerp. Learn your history.

Ahem, Fatherboy XXX.