the dude

FUCK THAT. No needles at all unless ABSOLUTELY necessary here. Needles fucking hurt.

Some days I would take just a laugh...

Or become a pro at Parappa the Rapper.

HAHAHAHAHA. Whatever helps you sleep well at night. Hope you didn't lose too much money on this fight.

Duration and volume of menstruation.

Comparing the bean?

What the ever-loving fuck? Wow. That's pretty fucked up. She was probably like my neighbors down the street that had kids for a sleep over and had them all take a bath together. WHUT?

You probably do if you can't buy them already-made.



Bryce FuckingHarper. He is the definition of FCS.

It can make for interesting parties, that's for sure.

That was going to be my recommendation- edible form if you don't wish to smoke.

Chocolate is good, organic frozen blueberries are my morning thing and the coffee beans ain't half bad either. Pizzas are not half bad considering how damn cheap they are.

Yikes, that sounds terrible. He sounds like a horrible person.

Nothing strange about that at all. People need time alone for themselves in relationships, marriage included. I love my wife but sometimes I need alone time for my introvert portion.

I guess. He was worried when the kids were going to get to high school because she did no school past high school. Idle hands and such.

That reporter has some strange hair.

Or they go inburrito and lay low.

Rockin' PB and J sammich here.