Thanks for the info, RGIII.
Thanks for the info, RGIII.
I guess you take it as an affront where I took it as a warning to have eyes in the back of your head and wear all your gear, even on that 100 degree day that you are just taking a short trip to the gas station to pick up some gas and a lotto ticket. I am a little more blunt than most at times about matters like this.…
I never intended my comment that way man. Trust me, I was not reveling in the fact you got effed up by some u-turner cager. I wished we lived in a world where there were no crashes, lowsides, highsides or complete FUBARS. It would be a great place. The odds say different though.
So bury your head in the sand is your solution? That's BS.
It also puts you in the mindset to prepare for when it happens. For me that means ATGATT and I get tons of comments about that but I don't give a fuck what others usually think. I may look like a fucking astronaut but I ain't no fucking squid.
That's when you put a choke hold on his ass and slap him around a little and tell him "to get with the fucking program or else" (think of PCU Droz/Rand relationship). I have had a roommate or two that needed this type of come-to-jesus moment in my career. They either shaped the fuck up or shipped out.
I vote for roommate with Ted Cruz. Then I could mock him mercilessly for the rest of my life.
Call me old fashioned but I'll just take the happy ending and you can keep your extra half inch.
I need pictures and diagrams, please.
Girl, you get into the thread brow lady, STAT.
PEOPLE OF THE WORLD- quit saying this to my wife also. She is Laotian if you really have to fucking know.
Oh damn.
Meat popsicle here.
If a rear wheel lockup kept you from riding for a week you need to sell your gear and bike and stick to belts AND suspenders.
No man, this is like the Rashomon Brady Bunch episode where Carol hit Mr. Duggan! She hit you!
I wasn’t trying to give you crap in the last article, that’s what my MSF course instructors told me. And like you said it is true. Good to hear you are doing better. One other thing you probably did wrong- if you think you might be hurt or are not sure- TAKE THE AMBULANCE RIDE. You will have a shitton of adrenaline in…
You clearly don't know your racist dogwhistles, I do. I have a certificate right here from HR...
Yeah, grape drink or grape soda? THAT is racist. Orange soda is white people drink.