Screw that! I can afford those solar panels and those electric vehicles now biatches! Eff the grid!
Screw that! I can afford those solar panels and those electric vehicles now biatches! Eff the grid!
Would less minds waste?
That would mean a shitload of minds that would not go to waste, or something like that.
I like the cut of your jib, young man.
Agreed. Our tax system is a big fucking joke that double taxes and triple taxes individuals on money. The gifter gets taxed. Your family members are likely not 503c non-profits so it would be considered a taxable gift above whatever the threshold people were talking about.
Sure, if you want all the responsibilities of being a landlord. You better have that land in a trust.
The gubment don't see it that way. They wants your money and any taxes tied to gift money like that.
But then you are a landlord and responsible for all taxes and any liens and lawsuits that occur on said property. Headaches.
I haven't been able to watch even a full half of fooseball in years. And I used to love de fooseball. Fooseball is de debil, Bobby.
They are literally killing the golden goose here. Bidwell left because St. Louis balked at a new stadium and they left this time when they did. You reward a city for putting it’s financial future at stake and then kick them in their dick and then rip it off. Smooth move, NFL.
Ahem- DRY asshole. They don't have any water there.
I feel sorry for anyone unlucky enough to let the Rams land in their hood. Look at their history of moving. Cleveland remembers.
Positively, absofuckinglutely, YESSSSSSS.
I'm a Beats douche, yo!
The lead in the water made it so.
Is this a tin foil conspiracy I smell brewing here?
The only crushing beardo does is juice boxes.
Dammit. Why couldn't this have been made in 2013 so I could buy a used one instead of the Taco I just bought. Damn you Honda!